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Saturday, September 25th, 2004

    Time Event
    Tiercel, by 'lion Flame

    Original poster: darthfox

    the countdown continues ...

    Title: Tiercel
    Author: 'lion Flame
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: to warn, or not to warn: that is the question )
    Author's e-mail, website, and/or LJ id: e-mail: flame @ slashcity . com ; website: ; LJ id: [info]lionflame
    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending: I'll be honest: looking back at the thing this morning, there are some aspects of it that tend, generally speaking, to drive me bats. In particular, it feels a little epithet-heavy. But two things are true. First, I'm awfully sensitive to epithets ("the younger man", "the other man", "the healer", "his lover" -- gah), possibly more so than other people; and secondly, there's something about this story that makes me not mind. The setup is a basic AU -- Obi-Wan has to complete a course in animal husbandry taught by the non-Jedi Master Healer Qui-Gon Jinn -- and the writing is quite good, but I think what really gets me is the characterization. Qui-Gon, in particular, is a complex, multi-faceted man, and his love for his work is apparent in everything he does, the way Flame has written him.

    Plus, this fic has one of the two best first kisses in the fandom. :-)

    Quote from the story: At first light, Obi-Wan opened his eyes with a start. )

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