the place for all Torchwood fans

leianora posting in the place for all torchwood fans!
User: [info]leianora
Date: 2008-01-02 16:44
Subject: Beware the evil admin!
Security: Public
Location:my parents' house
Tags: fic challenge, maintainer post

Clearly, the power has gone to my head. How else would one explain the comm challenge I'm about to put forth?

Write a fic or draw a bit of art using the prompt "Fresh Start or New Beginnings." This is in honor of the forthcoming season, so it can be based on that, or your conjectures of what that might be. The fic has to be at least 500 words, but no maximum limit will be placed on it. The art work can be whatever you like, so long as it's yours and pertains to the challenge. Any pairing is fine, as long as it's Torchwood people only. At the end of the month, we'll see if anyone decides to take me up on this. :D

Have fun, and good writing and drawing to you all!

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July 2009