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Jul. 15th, 2013


Thread: Blame it on the alcohol

Characters: Anna Raven and Remy LeBeau
NPCs: --
Location: Outside, Stark Campus, Manhattan NY, NY
Timeline: 7/14/13 - around 1 in the morning [backdated]
Description: After a conversation via text, Remy and Rogue meet up to drink and talk
Rating: PG-13

The hangover, once it caught up to him, was going to be legendary. )
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Jul. 14th, 2013


Thread: Betsy and Remy

Characters: Elisabeth Braddock and Remy LeBeau
NPCs: --
Location: The Super Secret Smoker's Spot at Stark's, Manhattan NY, NY
Timeline: 7/15/13 [future dated]
Description: Remy takes a smoke break, Betsy takes a walk
Rating: PG-13

It's Where My Demons Hide )


Thread: Jubes and Remy

Characters: Jubilation Lee and Remy LeBeau
NPCs: Mentions of Haroun
Location: Jubilee's dorm room, Stark's School, Manhattan NY, NY
Timeline: 7/14/13
Description: Jubilee is back in New York and she and Remy meet up to watch the videos she made of Haroun and to remember him and laugh together about the quirky things he did.
Rating: PG

Keep My Mind Off The Edge )

Jul. 13th, 2013


Thread: Letting stuff out

Characters: Dominik & Remy
NPCs: Mentions of Jimmy
Location: Stark's, The gym
Timeline: 12th July [Backdated]
Description: Dominik and Remy throw down again
Rating: PG-13

It was only after he'd helped Jimmy finish off all the t-shirts that Dominik left his friend and headed to the gym, head shaking at the state of him. )

Jul. 7th, 2013


Two Friends Are Remembered. (Open)

Characters: Open
NPCs: Haroun’s Family, Moira MacTaggert, Xavier and Stark faculty and staff, etc.
Timeline: Sunday, July 7, 2013 - early afternoon
Location: The courtyard, HSSoT
Description: A sad day at the Stark school as two students are remembered
Rating: H for HORRIBLE.

They still live in our hearts, in the happiness we knew, in the dreams we shared. )

Jul. 6th, 2013


Thread: Seek and Ye Shall Find

Characters: Dominikos Petrakis and Remy LeBeau
NPCs: ---
Location: Stark's School, Manhattan NY, NY
Timeline: 7/6/13 ~3am
Description: Dominik threatened to go looking for Remy and he gets lucky - or unlucky.
Rating: PG-13

But he couldn't bring himself to tell Dominik to get lost. )

Jul. 1st, 2013


Thread: Oral Tradition

Characters: Kevin Ford and Remy LeBeau and OPEN to Billy Kaplan
NPCs: ---
Location: Billy and Remy's room, Stark's school, Manhattan NY, NY
Timeline: 7/1/13
Description: Remy passes on a skill to a friend
Rating: PG-13

It's not what you're thinking )
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Jun. 25th, 2013


Thread: Another Kind of Recruitment (John & Remy)

Characters: St. John Allerdyce & Remy LeBeau
Location: Stark School
Timeline: June 25, 2013, about an hour after this.
Description: John comes to talk to Remy about going to get Rogue.
Rating: PG-13

It’s about Rogue. )
Tags: ,

Jun. 24th, 2013


Thread: Prove It

Characters: Dominikos Petrakis and Remy LeBeau
NPCs: --
Location: Sub-level 2, training room, Stark's School, Manhattan NY, NY
Timeline: 6/25/13 rise and shine in the morning time [future dated]
Description: Dom proves that the directionally challenged can hit back.
Rating: PG-13

In a school like Stark's, it was nice to find some good old fashioned floor mats. )

May. 25th, 2013


Prom 2013

Characters: All the characters!
NPCs: All the NPCs! At least the one's at the schools. No Magneto!
Location: Howard Stark School of Tomorrow
Timeline: Saturday 25 May 2013
Description: Prom 2013. Need more be said?
Rating: PG-13ish?
OOC 1: Please hold off posting until all of the subthreads are in place. Thank you very much! Post! Have at!
OOC 2: A big, big, big shout out and thanks to Marleigh for setting all this up! Have fun everybody!

Lumière )

Dec. 23rd, 2012


[thread] santa remy (with a cameo from santa kevin ford!)

Characters: Remy LeBeau + Open to reactions!
Location: Narya's room, and then Gwen's
Timeline: Backdated to the afternoon of 2012 December 20
Description: Remy delivers his present as the secret Santa, as well as Kevin's because, well, the kid can be a bit of a shut in.
Rating: G

By the time Remy had placed himself in the bus headed for the Stark school, he was pretty sure that everyone already knew he was the Secret Santa of someone who belonged to the Starks. )

Sep. 14th, 2012



Characters: Open To All!
NPCs: Xavier, Stark, et. al., DJ, wait staff etc.
Timeline: Friday, September 14, 2012 - evening
Location: The Courtyard, The Howard Stark School of Tomorrow, Manhattan, NY
Description: Homecoming 2012!
Rating: Medium?
OOC: Please don't forget to tag with your codename! Have fun!

Homecoming 2012! )


Aug. 17th, 2012


Thread: Stark Expo 2012

Characters: Open to all!
NPCs: All teachers! Students! Lots of other random people! Famous nerds!
Location: Stark Complex, NYC
Timeline: Friday, August 16th through Sunday, August 18th
Description: The unveiling of the new Stark Complex commences with the Stark Expo! Everyone is invited! Buses provided to and from Xavier's!
Rating: Maybe some swearing, but otherwise tame.
Notes: The expo itself goes on all weekend, but this will be the only official thread, just to keep it simple. You all conveniently manage to run into each other. It's amazing. Ain't Stark technology grand?

Welcome to the Stark Expo 2012! )

As always, please tag when you join a scene!

Dec. 2nd, 2011


Challenge #2

Characters: Open to All Students
NPCs: --
Timeline: Friday, December 2, 2011 - afternoon
Location: Combat Simulation Room → Howard Stark's School of Tomorrow, Hartford, CT
Description: The two schools meet up to compete in their second challenge.
OOC 1: I'm waving the wand of RP magic where time doesn't matter and we're going to pretend that all of the teams can get through this in one night. And since it didn't work so well trying to cram everything into one weekend, to get this done we'll have a week and then points will be awarded, etc. etc.
OOC 2: This is all very real, ie: the wind, the water, the heat, etc.
OOC 3: All of the coins are hidden in plain sight, meaning, they're not under any boxes, in any treasure chests, etc etc.
OOC 4: There is an observation deck, but the kids aren't be allowed into, so they have no idea whats going on, except those that have already finished the challenge.

Please tag your codename into the thread after you've commented! Thank you very much! -The Management

To the victors went the spoils and a whopping thirty points total. )


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December 2015




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