Jul. 10th, 2009


[OPEN] Yasuda Shota's First Day

Characters: Yasuda Shota
Setting: Psychiatric Ward, 8:30 a.m
Warning: N/A
Summary: Yasuda wakes up in a psychiatric ward.

When he opened his eyes, he woke up to the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling. With a sigh he mumbled: "My head hurts." He rolled to the left side of the bed and curled himself to a tight ball. The sunlight poured inside his room, spilling all over the marble floor.

It finally sunk into him. He's been admitted by his own family here. This--place. Perhaps he really was going insane. That's why they brought him here, to protect him from himself.

He shut his eyes tight and clenched his fingers around the soft white blanket. This whole place makes me sick. He told himself.

Jul. 6th, 2009


[CLOSED] dinner, boys?

Setting: Tomapi and now even Yuya's apartment, 18:25 (6:25pm).
Characters: Horikita Maki, Ikuta Toma, Tegoshi Yuya & Yamashita Tomohisa.
Warning: Most likely none.
Summary: Maki drops by Toma and Tomohisa's to make them dinner and see who their new roommate turned out to be.

Earlier that day, Maki had sent her two best friends identical text messages, stating that she was going to drop by that evening and that they better make sure they don't plan anything or they will face her wrath! >:D Or, at least, it went something like that. Which is why Maki knew that they were going to be in, because her unexpected 'I SHALL COOK FOR YOU TONIGHT' mails aren't exactly strange and unexpected anymore, as she had long since made it her habit to drop by once in a while to cook them dinner.

That was the reason why she was standing at their apartment door now, a few plastic bags of cooking ingredients in hand as she pressed the doorbell. Tonight, she was going to cook a traditional Japanese meal, and she was already looking forward to it.

Jun. 25th, 2009


[CLOSED] I don't see Fairies....

CHARACTERS: Ueda Tatsuya  & Yamashita Tomohisa.
SETTING: Psych Ward 07:30 AM
SUMMARY: Introduction log of Psychology ward. It's mostly about fairies and a scared young intern.

Jun. 24th, 2009



CHARACTERS: Ikuta Toma & Yamashita Tomohisa; Tegoshi Yuya, Horikita Maki.
SETTING: Hospital break room, 6:37am.
SUMMARY: Tomapi are in search of a third roommate, so they put up a want ad in the break room; this happens early in the morning, right before the rush of ER emergencies.