June 25th, 2009

[info]makii in [info]tokyobyouin

[CLOSED] coffee and comfort

Setting: Staff room to cafeteria, 10:27 (10:27am).
Characters: Horikita Maki & Tegoshi Yuya.
Warning: None.
Summary: After all that happened in the morning, Maki spies a discouraged Yuya, and offers him coffee and comfort.

Here, have some coffee, and cheer up! )

[info]hallelujahkon in [info]tokyobyouin

[CLOSED] I don't see Fairies....

CHARACTERS: Ueda Tatsuya  & Yamashita Tomohisa.
SETTING: Psych Ward 07:30 AM
SUMMARY: Introduction log of Psychology ward. It's mostly about fairies and a scared young intern.