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Birds of a Feather... [24 Mar 2013|04:10am]
CHARACTERS: Melissa Rosier & Ace Pruitt
SETTING: Blackwing Tavern
DATE: Saturday 25th, March, 2028
SUMMARY: A night of catching up and martinis, Ace and Melissa have a girls night out.

Oh, they got me thinking, I'd be happier just drinking )

Who needs love, when you have Southern Comfort? [24 Mar 2013|08:44am]
CHARACTERS: Melissa Rosier & Robert Nott
SETTING: The Silver Spoon
DATE: 8th of April, 2028
SUMMARY: Melissa’s parents are insistent she start dating so she can find her future husband. Robert is under similar pressure from his parental authorities. They are meeting for dinner to appease their parents and enjoy each other’s company.

At least they can stand to be around each other )

[ viewing | March 24th, 2013 ]
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