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May. 25th, 2013



Sorry I haven't been around! It seems that RL has basically consumed me after school ended, what with the sinus infection from hell and this writing project that I got into with a friend. (FYI: English majors apparently don't stop being English majors even after school is over with *shrug*) But luckily things are starting to wind down for a bit, and I will try to get my shit together to get on here more often.

I know I still have some threads going with some people. (I actually don't know who is still around, but PLEASE RAISE YOUR HANDS WHEN YOU ARE CALLED!) I have a Colin thread with Ginny, a Hallie thread with Tom and a Hallie thread with Gene that I still need to reply to. If you still want to continue these threads, let me know and I'll get to replying to them. If you want to let them drop and maybe start up new ones, I am cool with that too. Just please let me know.

Also, I want all new threads immediately too. Don't forget that I have Colinwvm, Salazarrein, Hallieswap, Katiethg and Albus Dumbledorecan. Sorry again for being MIA, but please plot with me!


May. 21st, 2013


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I see there is activity now! Bad Callie for going MIA! *SMACKS SELF*

ANYBODY WANNA PLAY WITH MEEEEEEE?!?!!? And tell me who I ABSOLUTELY must keep? (Though, tbh, I dunno if I'll be able to cut anyone(


May. 11th, 2013


I feel the need for some conflict in my life.

Anyone want to have a fight with Neville or Liam?

May. 10th, 2013



i am bored
play with me.


That being said, I also kind of wanted to. BUT MOSTLY HER. This is Manny Weasley, formerly Johnson, the Swap-Angelina. He's a fun-loving guy, but he doesn't put up with bullcrap from anyone, especially not people he cares about. He can be up front to the point where some might be offended, but he honestly means well by it all. He just wants people to be at their best. Like anyone who survived the war, he's seen lives lost or thrown away too often to let any opportunity to help out pass him by. But please don't think that means he won't play a wee prank on you. Because he will. It makes him feel better, and he's sure it'll make you feel better about things too, if you just see it his way. He's a big talker, and takes small pleasure in convincing people.




Since this is a PSL, I am back. This is Regulus. You know what he does. I am drunk, finals ended today. I make no apologies.


May. 6th, 2013


I'm not dead I swear

Just checking in. This week has been worse than expected, as yes, I got sick AGAIN. Sinus congestion from hell basically.

Thankfully, I'm done with my finals and will probably take the rest of the day to rest. To sleep perchance to dream! Yes, obviously Shakespeare has invaded my brain. But tomorrow, I should be catching up with all that I've missed.

Please, if possible, let me know if there are any new journals or threads I need to reply to (not tags, I have all of those still in my inbox). Or if anyone wants any of my kids for threads for this month. I know some special plot is happening, so if any of my kids are needed for that, hit me up.

So until tomorrow... Parting is such sweet sorrow!

Apr. 27th, 2013


Checking In!

Sorry I've been gone recently. Last minute essays are just awesome. Except when they aren't, which is nearly always. I've also had some extracurriculars that I've been doing, so my energy level is depleted it's usually over NINE THOUSAND.

I know I owe tags and comments and threads all over the place. And depending on how finals go this coming week and the following, I might be able to sum up enough brain powah to get around to those. I haven't forgotten, nor have I lost interest. I just haven't been able to look through my email without passing out. X)

If you need anything immediate from me, feel free to email me about it, and we'll work out some stuff.

Tired and exhaustedly yours,

Apr. 14th, 2013


did someone send me a message or comment or something about James Sirius/Albus Severus? Or did I dream that happening? Because I am so sleep-deprived that I can no longer tell reality from my dreams anymore, and I can't find the message I think I got, but then again that could mean it never happened OR that I don't know where it was, so.

if you did, tell me.

Apr. 13th, 2013


So in about two weeks, I am going to be attacked by finals. And I assure you, it will not be done with mercy.

In light of this terrifying fact, I am asking for threads and plot for my characters before this event happens. I mostly need activity for:


My other characters are also available for awesomeness, so feel free to hit me up for plot with them too!


Apr. 11th, 2013


Oh hay look all your prayers have been answered guys. It's Sara, because I didn't have enough redheads or genderswaps (DAMN YOU ERIN) and thiiiiis is WiniFRED Weasley. Yeah, Georgie can finally stop pining. You can thank me later.

Fred is coming from mere moments after leaving Hogwarts in a blaze of prankish glory. She's basically your typical Fred, except with ovaries.

Uhhh the baby just started crying so I'mma cut this intro short. YOU KNOW ME. PLOT. ENJOY.


I know this is awful of me, but I HAVE TO share it with all you fellow HP lovers. My friend just showed me this. I think my heart just shattered. I CANNOT handle it.

Apr. 10th, 2013


sup guys. this is servant!tonks, who goes by nymphadora black so that the ruling class thinks she's srs about this blood purity thing, which of course she's not, but almost no one knows that. she's also a member of the outsiders, but goes by dora tonks with them. they think she's a little blonde woman, the ruling class thinks she's an average brunette/fake redhead, and no one but her parents, regulus, and charlie know she's a metamorphmagus. she will be vaguely horrified when she realizes xavier may know about it from being here.

sooo since regulus is gone, i'ma need more people from this world XD LIKE CHARLIE. charlie is her servant/best friend/maybe love interest/thing. IT'LL BE FUN, COME ON.

Apr. 8th, 2013


Hi, my name is Hoshi and I was on hiatus. I'm trying to get back in the swing of bare with me, yo. I bring Rory BAMF Longbottom from the PUR Verse. Sadly not the youngest Longbottom, but the coolest after Neville.

Pic explains it all. Or read this application.

So plot?

Oh...and still have the others. Narcissa, Romola, Bella, Harold. I will try to get back doing the WTF DID I MISS plot things, honest.


YAY! I like sins. Sins are fun.

Most of my characters are pretty obvious in which sins would be the best, but I am open for ANY AND ALL THINGS. Please. Like seriously.

I'm just gonna toss it out there that Jayma/Liam should have some lusty times. Just sayin', Andy. ;)

Romilda is also a PERFECT lust candidate.

Anyone else (Tonkswvm, Olivermnd, Geneswap, Dominiquecanon, and Donaghancanon) could use some stuff too!


Apr. 7th, 2013


plot? pretty please?

So, this new plot that started today looks like fun, and I'm craving some good plot for my two girls. I was wondering if anyone wants Daphne or Susan for any of the days. It would definitely be interesting to see Susan's Wednesday reaction, and Daphne falls perfectly for Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.

I would also just like to get my characters more involved here. So if anyone wants to plot some fun times for this week, please let me know! You can shoot me an e-mail: or just message me on either journal!

xoxo, Brianna.


Ok, who wants to sin it up with my girls?

Soriah is obvs primed for lust or wrath.

Nora being wrathful could be hilarious.

But really I'm down for anything.


<3 let me know

Apr. 6th, 2013


It's like deja vu! Michelle again, bringing you this fella here whom you might recognize... maybe.

ALBUS DUMBLEDORE! Please call him Albus, thanks.

Yes, he is very much canon and he is very much still 17, wild and free. He's got quite the CV already despite still being a Hogwarts student. For a point of reference, this Dumbledore comes from a point in canon after his father is imprisoned and dies in Azkaban and he has blown his Hogwarts studies out of the water and has written various academic papers, but before he graduates Hogwarts, his sister goes bananas and kills his mother, he meets Gellert and all holy hell breaks loose. Please check out his history for a more detailed timeline of events.

So... what's this Albus like? He's very intelligent to be sure, wise beyond his years if you will. But he's also entirely too idealistic. He isn't very fond of Muggles believe it or not, and some very large part of him still blames them for his sister's illness and his father's incarceration and eventual death. However, he is still incredibly charitable and empathetic. He's just young and happy and... yes, gay. X) But these aren't very progressive times in which he's living in, so that's to be kept on the DL. Other than his choice of robes, you probably won't even notice.



Alright guys, Seven, our resident representation of the seven deadly sins, has decided to play a prank on everyone. Starting tomorrow, there will be seven days of sinning. Each day will have a different sin, and all of the characters on the islands will find themselves basically incapable of self-control. The only exceptions to the rule will be the minors, and we ask that no one under 17 be directly involved in any incidents.

Here's the schedule:
Sunday - wrath
Monday - greed
Tuesday - sloth
Wednesday - pride
Thursday - lust
Friday - envy
Saturday - gluttony

Have fun!

Apr. 3rd, 2013


Hey everyone!

It's Lesley again with kid number 3, and this time, it's Marcus Flint from the Hunger Games! So, the basic info: he's a Career Victor from District 2 at the age of 17 in 1992; he's now 24 from the year 1999. He's currently on the North island.

He's cool, calm, and collected, but also tough. Friendships were useless to him back then, unless the person successfully escaped 6 years of reapings, or came out of the arena as victor. He usually keeps to himself, but would still engage in conversation. He may seem broody, intimidating, and unapproachable, but only because he was conditioned to be that way. But since winning the 1992 Hunger Games, he has become a little more approachable. He still smiles and laughs, occasionally cracking jokes if he tries (don't expect too much though) to dispel rumors of him being unwelcoming.

He may also sometimes be judgmental of other people and their capabilities, thinking that he's better that most of them. He also frowns and side-eyes anything that's strange or not normal behavior. Other than that, he's quite the civil kind of person, friendly when gotten to know better, and actually an all around nice guy.

He is also good with swords and his father is a blacksmith; previously a victor himself in 1968.

SO plots! Anybody during/after 1992 from THG world may have heard of him. Potential friendships would be great too! If anybody knows him from another world, then some interaction should happen :D

Feel free to message me on AIM anytime (for plots and/or random poking), or email me if I'm not online! :)

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