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[06 Oct 2009|06:36am]

Officially a Diva, got my first ticket since joining the company, haha.
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[04 Oct 2009|04:15pm]

Mr Reso,

I haven't spoken to you in weeks; I miss my travel buddy. I found a shirt (or two) that amused me and made me think of you. So call me soon.

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[29 Sep 2009|06:43pm]

Post anything you want about me. Anonymous is on.
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Not here a day and I'm already looking for attention! [28 Sep 2009|05:40pm]

[ mood | curious ]

I like to be prepared, so I'm going to get things going on my first entry... Which is why I'm here. I'd love for you lovely people to give me something to write about. Ask me questions! Yes, I will answer anything and everything. Want to know what color my panties are? What I look for in a guy? Ask away. The best part, you don't even have to be logged into your journal!

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I even saw the lights on the goodyear blimp and it read John Cena's a pimp. [13 Sep 2009|11:49pm]

The best thing about winning? The results and feeling that fills your body because of all the hard work you put in. The shitty part about winning? Celebrating the victory alone while your head is filled with worry about another.

On that note... )
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[07 Sep 2009|12:19pm]

These past few days have been the best, Thank you :)
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[04 Sep 2009|12:37pm]

[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | IN THIS MOMENT ♪ all for you ]

We've had the boyfriends shown off, the potential ones, and even the crushes, but I will do you all one better. The ex boyfriend! Shocking that I can actually say I get along with one of my exes enough to think he is good looking still and worthy of showing off. )

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[03 Sep 2009|11:40am]

I consider it a minor miracle that I can figure out this whole internet journal thing but anything more then that is beyond me, so is anyone kind enough to hook me up with some more icons so we all dont get sick of looking at the only one I got?
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