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"pre-raquel" gif party and more @ [info]slammiversary! [17 May 2012|04:25pm]
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[05 Oct 2011|04:45pm]

People need to stop and realize, if I am not talking to even Jason about a return I am not hinting or snooping around to WWE for a return. If I even was I would make sure those that know don't tell a soul, because you know if they do I want there first born son. Ha!

Seriously though just wait and see what happens enjoy the show.
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[14 Aug 2011|05:23pm]

Not quite my secret agent shoot, but I guess it's close enough. And I'm in a swimsuit. I know one certain individual who will be quite pleased.... )
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Long time no blog. [01 Jul 2011|08:09pm]

Long overdue if you ask me. JoMo and I are finishing up our trip in Asia and will be on our way home very soon. I know he's missed the heck out of his lady, and I've missed the heck out of mine. Super upset that I missed my bestie's return to the ring. Promise to make it up to you Jillo! I miss my girls and my guys!! Can't wait to get home and fill you all in about what went on during our trip! If I don't see you before then? Have a Happy 4th of July! Check out for ALL updates on yours truly!
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[30 Jun 2011|03:42pm]

Happy Birthday to my fellw baddy, Alicia Fox. Enjoy it girl.
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[26 Oct 2010|10:38pm]

[ mood | geeky ]

I'm late. I'm always late for these things.

Happy Birthday Punk, and Happy Birthday to Milena! Hope it was/is a great day!

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Random question... [11 Oct 2010|02:27am]

Do you think if your ex-wife drives you crazy, you can get away with wanting to stab her in the head?
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[09 Aug 2010|11:24am]

i'm not much for the whole 'girly' being pampered thing, but after winning my title back in a no dq, falls count anywhere match? i'm pretty sure eddie is going to be taking care of me all week (although now i can finally claim i not only curb stomped someone in the back of a truck, but i also gave them an air raid crash off the back of a truck through a table, onto cement. ha!). i am so sore, so bruised...but it was so worth it.

now i'm going to curl back up with my pillows. i'm so thankful cell phones have the internet on them because otherwise? i wouldn't be typing anything at all. my desktop is only in the next room, but that is just too far for me today.
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[27 Jun 2010|11:18pm]

Yes... 8 years and man do I have a story to tell you. I am going to cop out and tell you I am working on something.
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[11 May 2010|07:05am]
Two of my favorite people on the whole planet.
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[12 Mar 2010|03:19pm]

[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | matchbook romance ⇒ tiger lily ]

Tomorrow is going to be absolutely brutal. I wonder if there is some way I can just sleep from midnight tonight until midnight tomorrow without having to acknowledge anything at all.

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[03 Feb 2010|09:27pm]

[ mood | amused ]

There is also a rumor that Austin Aries could be coming to the WWE soon, as the WWE was said to have bought him up from ROH contract wise. How? From what I've heard, which is confusing I know, is that the WWE bought the rights to CM Punk from ROH when he came to the WWE.

When they did that, they took a big revenue from ROH. With Punk getting even more popular in the WWE, ROH could use the money.

So, the WWE sold some sort of merchandise rights to ROH, where both could sell his merchandise. But in exchange, the WWE gets Austin Aries. So, they basically bought Aries from ROH for the rights to Punk's merch sales.

There was a note on Aries Myspace page that said 3.3.10, which means March 3 obviously, and because NXT will be filmed March 2, it's likely that could change.

Having Aries show up and possibly face Danielson could bring the house down if the WWE lets them go.

The way they worded this rumor is fucking amazing. Congrats baby, you are a piece of meat!...who is worth nothing more than some CM Punk merch apparently. Wow...that really sucks now that I think about it.

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[29 Jan 2010|09:27pm]

[ mood | headache ]

The definition of candid.

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[18 Jan 2010|12:16pm]

Well...well...well. I spy with my little eye, a homewrecker!
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[12 Jan 2010|10:08am]

[ mood | amused ]

Another trip down memory lane. I think it's pretty obvious who my ex boyfriend is based on this pose alone. I was such a silly little mark back then.

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[12 Dec 2009|05:44am]

[ mood | full ]

My match from this past HDNet. I'm pretty proud of it.

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a note of interest. [01 Dec 2009|06:49pm]

[ mood | calm ]

Dark Match: Chris Masters defeated Chavo Guerrero with the Masterlock. Masters is using his boob dance as his new way of getting over as a face.

I might be biased but I think he'd make a wonderful face. It's closer to the real deal anyway. ;]

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[09 Nov 2009|07:20am]
Best ref ever. I'm clearly awesome.
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[12 Oct 2009|11:43pm]

so....anyone wanna be my new carpool buddy starting next week?
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[09 Oct 2009|11:56am]

i was just thinking maybe it's time for the glamazon to get a shoot and well joey sure did surprise the hell out of me. what do you think? honestly. )
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