The Last Enemy - OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Last Enemy - OOC

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[04 Jan 2008|05:36pm]
Hey, guys! Lily here! Just wanted to let you know two things.

1) I changed my AIM name hoping that it stops screwing up my comp. I'm now at BoxesofPearls, so add me!

2) I'm going to have to take a hiatus. Hell week just sprung up for my show and I will be very scarce. I may be able to do replies, but starting threads are not possible for a good week. I'll be around a little bit, though.
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[04 Jan 2008|09:22pm]
Okay i decided I am going to drop Hestia Jones for now and just stick witch Andie since there are so many of her family members around so more rping opportunities.

If I have time I will reapply for Hestia.
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