Monday, November 3rd, 2008

Craft Along with the Crafty Witches

*trips over leftover Halloween party mess in Crafty Witch office and totally faceplants the floor*

Dang…I hate when that happens.

*picks self up and dusts self off*

*banishes all Halloween crafty stuff to expanded Halloween cabinet*

*turns to second favorite cabinet*


*is immediately covered by a mountain of various crafting gear for everything (and we do mean everything) she could think of for supplies*

*digs self out of pile, painfully…hey, there were loose knitting needles in there*

*quickly sorts and arranges supplies out over the crafty tables*

Okay, finally…here we go…

*takes a deep breath*

Almost anyone who has ever visited Leaky Lounge knows of DorisTLC. Leaky's very own Project Manager, she is known far and wide as one of the most helpful, generous, and all-around nicest people you can ever have the pleasure of knowing. *bows to DorisTLC*

DorisTLC lost all of her material belongings in Hurricane Ike this year. (*shakes fist at Ike*) Her spirit, though, remained strong, and even in the midst of her own personal tragedy she was giving to others by finding volunteers to donate time and school supplies to Operation C.R.A.Y.O.N.. (How awesome is that?)

Because of this, the Crafty Witches have decided to dedicate the November Craft-Along to Doris. (And she can’t stop us.) It will be called "Craft a Christmas Ornament for Doris TLC", launches today and all ornaments will need to be received by December 1st. A shipping address will be announced as soon as possible.

Which tutorials will we be using? What supplies are needed? That is up to you! Print off a picture and decoupage it onto an ornament, make a stuffed snitch out of felt, knit a mini-Weasley sweater - whatever tickles your fancy! (Ahem…wait! *glowers suspiciously* Are there no crochet tutorials? *goes back to making knitting conspiracy theories*)

As always, the Crafty Witches will have their wands at the ready should you need help, and discussion threads are set up here for picture posting, questions, and general merriment. The holidays, remember, are supposed to be about giving after all. And with someone as giving and generous as DorisTLC, how could we not? We hope to see you there - Happy Crafting!!

*hums to self as she starts in on designing and preparing ornaments for DorisTLC*

PS: To all my regular readers of my updates? This is my doppelganger, the Princess wannabe…hp5freak is still “stranded” on a deserted island with a hot pale Cedric look-alike…
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