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Friday, November 14th, 2008

    Time Event
    *dashes up the stairs*

    *rushes in and ducks under desk*

    *drags bag of crochet supplies in front of her to hide from Real Life*

    Hey guys! Did you miss me?

    *smoothes back tangled hair and disheveled clothes*

    Sorry today’s update is running late. I’ve been trying to get here all day, but Real Life insisted on tagging along and I’ve only JUST escaped.

    So, some updates…

    First, the Crafty Witches are busy narrowing down the entries for the winners of the costume contest on Leaky. It’s been very exciting!!

    Second, I heard my doppelganger was around posting for me. I’m VERY excited about helping out DorisTLC. We even have a shipping address now!!! So check out the Leaky Lounge for all those details. Stop by and have a cuppa with us and show us what you’re working on!! You know inspiration comes from everywhere and your project could inspire others!!

    Okay, what have we added to our section of Leaky this week….


    *summons updates under the desk with her* )

    And I think that’s it for today! Now, I’m going back to barricading myself in here, okay? Don’t tell RL that you saw me!

    *goes back to crocheting a fortress…*

    *realizes its Thursday agan...*

    *rushes around trying to keep things in order*

    *avoids towering pile of supplies balancing precariously*

    *attempts freezing charm on them*

    *grumbles at the now ice coated supplies*


    Greetings and Happy Thursday Updating to one and all…  We has your updates, yes we do, preciouses….

    Okay, first and foremost!!! The Craft-Along!!!  And we have an address now.  So get thee to crafting and help DorisTLC have a very Harry Christmas!!!  The deadline for mailing ornaments to the address on the forums is December 1!  We want to have enough time to package it up and get them to DorisTLC for her tree in time, right?  So come by the forums, say hi, show off your handiwork…and see if there’s anyone hanging around that may be stumped or troubled.  We Crafty Witches will be on hand to help…but you can be there to inspire us too!!!

    *looks at updates*

    *makes note to have a talk with other CWs about the slighting of crocheted goodies…*

    *mutters about knitting conspiracy again*

    *sorts out updates and leaves ‘em to ya*


    Updates of the updating kind... )

    Well, there be yer updates, my lovelies.  Stay tuned for next week as I’m sure Real Life will be around again…this time hanging out with his co-hort Holly Daze…

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