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Thursday, October 30th, 2008

    Time Event
    Today's update from a different perspective....

    SuperJenn (aka As_Weasley_As_I_Wannabe) drags into the office looking sad and a bit wild-eyed.

    She looks at the Missing Witches and Wizards board and tears well up a bit when she sees the new sign posted only a week old. The Wizarding photo shows a flashy, klutzy witch wielding a hook and a tiara.

    “Have You Seen This Witch?

    Crafty Witch [info]hp5freak , aka Princess, has disappeared. Was last seen last Thursday as she did her updates for Leaky Cauldron. Foul play suspected. The Malfoys have been interrogated, but there is no reason to believe at this time that they are involved, despite the fact she is deemed to be Weasley-ish. May be unwillingly in the company of known fugitive Real Life. If you SEE this witch, please contact the Crafty Witches of The Leaky Cauldron immediately. Possible reward for safe return.” </lj>

    Reminder: Only one more day to enter the Leaky Cauldron’s Costume Contest!!! Check out Leaky for all the details!!!


    Even though we are searching for our Princess, we still have work to do.... )

    SuperJenn finishes the updates and checks voicemails, emails, tip line, MoM updates, websites, and Floo Network for any updates on the Princess.

    Meanwhile, on a deserted island, late at night, the Princess sits on a beach talking to an unnaturally pale, very good looking man with golden eyes and bronze hair…

    To Be Continued….

    Current Mood: creative

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