Friends of the TLC Crafty Witches' Journal
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Friday, August 29th, 2008

    Time Event
    *unlocks door to Crafty Witches' office*

    *stumbles in*

    *grumbles about Terminitis not mixing with sinus infections, tiaras and hangovers*

    *tries some simple remedies for headache relief*

    *annoys self by sprouting tentacles*

    *reverses “remedies”*

    *removes tiara*

    *reaches for Tylenol instead*

    Gotta say, Muggle remedies are sometimes for the best.

    *sifts through the updates*

    *summons a coffee, a breakfast bar, and some energy*



    What's been done THIS week? )

    *gets up and finds she has a tail sprouting from her*

    Hmmmm…didn’t know about that side effect…

    *wanders off to get remedy for tail*

    Current Mood: creative
    *skips up the steps to the CW office*

    *levitates a can of lavender paint to the CW office*

    *covers ears as the banging noises from the CW office get louder*

    *shouts over the noise*  OY!!!  I’m trying to CRAFT here!

    *silence falls*

    *climbs up ladder to do some painting*

    *directs wand in jabbing motion to corner*

    *blasts Wrock music at high decibels*

    *falls off ladder*

    *picks self up, straightens tiara, glowering at now-silent wireless*


    Okay, WHO turned up the Wireless? )


    Current Mood: creative

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