Friends of the TLC Crafty Witches' Journal
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Thursday, March 20th, 2008

    Time Event
    *hops into crafty room, shaking her tail feath---powder puff*

    *finds bit of chocolate on top of her stack of updates*

    *noms chocolate*

    *shifts stack of updates, hears a wee thump*

    *spies more chocolate on floor*

    *crouches down to get chocolate*

    *spies an insurance agent dressed up in Easter Bunny suit under her desk*

    *screams and shoots up, banging head on underside of desk*

    *passes out*

    *comes to some time later, is surrounded by other crafty sorts*

    *babbles*  It was the Easter bunny this time…I SWEAR!!!

    *is promptly stuffed into straight-jacket and stuck to the wall for precautionary reasons*


    It was the EASTER BUNNY, I tell you...the EASTER BUNNY!!! )

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