04:51pm 07/01/2010

Anyway, since Astrid is blind and she can't really gossip about HERSELF so much, feel free, girl's dorm, to natter on incessantly about how Keagan was seen going to Astrid's room about 8 PM and LEAVING TO GO TO CLASS FROM THERE THE NEXT MORNING.


So, yeah. PEEPS. Talk about it. And as of Wednesday, only Fox and Keagan would know that Astrid's blind, because she didn't talk to anyone else. Thursday might be different, but, y'know, we haven't written that yet.
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Party thread 
01:19am 06/01/2010
  If you guys have any questions just ask, but it's up! I think we should follow the same format as the field trip thread and try to post times for things, as well as which room you guys are in.

Main Room
A Room
B Room

The main room has an empty stage set aside, with music, for those wanting to try their own little burlesque. There are staff everywhere, including bouncers, waitresses, bartenders, and of course - the dancers. No vag, no nip showing!

EDIT: Also note NONE of the girls in ANY rooms are touching men anywhere that is not their arms, shoulders, or chests. No one is on anyone's lap, no one gets to touch boobies with any parts of their body, and if a bouncer sees you smack an ass, pinch a cheek, etc, you do get warned.

It's all pretty fun, though, and the music is good. She tried to keep a mix in there so everyone is happy. As it turns out, you can strip to any type of music. At least these girls have figured out how!
Plot Query 
07:27pm 05/01/2010
  Ok, so my muse for Simon has been dwindling for months now, and I've decided he's going to move into NPC territory. Oh, but it's not that easy! I think I'm going to end up killing him.

So, I need opinions. Not opinions on whether or not you think the plot is stupid (because I don't care what you think ^_^ ), but opinions on how this might affect the community. Obviously if this kind of thing would throw everyone into huge turmoil and would destroy stuff then I won't do it. So let me know character reactions and stuff. Keeping in mind, this won't be for probably a month yet.

Gimme feedback!

EDIT: It will be, officially, an off campus accident.
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12:17pm 04/01/2010
  On Tuesday night, Jacob broke into the pool and cafeteria with Dizzy, so the doorknobs of both doors to those areas have fallen off. I must not forget to mention the lack of jello cups as well. ;)

Also: Jacob is casting a spell in the student lounge on Wednesday, which will backfire and make people blind temporarily (a couple of days, or less, depending on the proximity to him). It will be an open thread so get in on the fun!

I have nothing really planned for Arc, so she's available for fun too.
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05:23pm 03/01/2010
  FYI... Saturday night, Charlie was kinda depressed because his wifey was out on the prowl. He and Cassie chatted for a while online, and he invited her over to hang out and watch movies. She stayed the night, but nothing happened! BUT... people are welcome to maybe have seen her coming and going. SCANDAL!  
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Because she needs more gossip about her... 
01:43am 02/01/2010
  If anyone was out and about very late Saturday night, they may have seen Adora bringing home a very drunk Hope. And if they were out a bit earlier that night at Club Tabu, they may have seen their director getting very drunk. lol.  
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03:46pm 01/01/2010

In case anyone is curious, the subway incident has been posted on the field trip thread HERE! 

Go ahead and check it out, and watch as Duncan opens a can of whoop-ass awesome! LOL. Anyway, I know for a fact that Keagan, Astrid and Summer saw most of the event, but others could have seen it as well. 

It's awesome. Duncan was totally hot stuff and probably now has the rep around campus as "OMFG, THAT PROFESSOR BOYARD IS A BAMF, DUDE!" LOL. 

So, yeah. FUN! Feel free to post reactions to it. Otherwise, Sunday morning Astrid will probably post another journal entry pointing out that she watched the professor deck a drunken dude.

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02:24pm 31/12/2009

Since Nox and Belle took a trip to the art museum in Boston the same day as the art group with Adora and Duncan, anyone participating in that thread is welcome to say they spotted Nox and Belle together for gossip purposes. They would have been holding hands and looking coupley in general. If Nox spotted one of the students, however, he would have distanced himself from Belle, because he hates that sort of gossip crap and wouldn't want to let them see his personal life like that.
06:30pm 30/12/2009
  Quick note, any girl that left one of the Starbuck posters in plain sight anywhere in their room on Saturday had it mysteriously vanish... If it was covered by anything (even if it was like, a piece of paper) or in a drawer/closed closet door, it was not touched.

However, the boys' dorms are safe   ;)  
11:55am 30/12/2009
  On Thursday, March 6, 2008 game time Jack and Fox are getting into a brawl in the student gym.

Who wants to break it up after a few good punches get thrown?

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Another FYI 
02:06pm 27/12/2009
  In addition to the cups in the hall on Thursday morning, some of which were trampled over in the girls' dorms as James made his way to his sister's room, there was a point while it was still rather early that any one who lives near Rocky may have heard James yelling, "Hey everybody, Rocky needs to get laid! Send the available male population this way!", seeing as how he opened her door and yelled it into the hallway.

There are probably repercussions of which others may also be aware so.. feel free to check here. And yes, I accidentally posted the scene in his journal and didn't realize it until we were about 12 tags in. Not moving it now, that's for sure!
As an FYI 
08:45pm 26/12/2009
  Anyone who was in the boys' dorms on Wednesday evening may have noticed James standing outside of Will's room talking on the phone. The door opened several minutes later and he was dragged inside only to leave about ten or fifteen minutes after that with a huge grin on his face and a hickey on his neck.  
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07:54pm 26/12/2009
  I am plotting and it means doom. Yay! (Except not for a certain character of mine.) Next game week, Jacob is back and very much out of it. In addition to snapping at the people he cares about, I want him to try to cast a spell that goes wrong, leading to either someone getting hurt or witnessing him getting hurt.

Any volunteers? Such an awful question. Heh.
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11:25pm 22/12/2009
  EVE -- Jack/Ami thread for more partnership/working togetherness? I think a week has gone by, so one week until the paper is due!

Susan - Jack/Fox grr, Thursday

Kat - Summer/Astrid post class thread, after the cafeteria one?

? - Rae, during art meeting? More Cassie/Rae (we never did that.. other Arc/Rae?

? - Erin's been out and about lately, and NOT being an awful bitch! Does someone want to bump into her?
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09:36pm 20/12/2009
  FYI, since Jacob's leaving almost anyone Summer has spoken to has been getting baked goods delivered semi-regularly. This includes

and even Godric, her sponsor.

She's dieting!
12:04am 21/12/2009
  Anyone in the shared common room of the dorms on Tuesday night probably saw Pearl typing on her laptop, happy, then starting to frown, before getting angry and upset at the same time and slamming it shut, wiping away a couple of tears and heading back to her room. Not that she stayed there long before stalking out of the building without a coat.  
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Adora's Wednesday Session!! 
08:02pm 08/12/2009
music: Switchback - Celldweller
Okay, so, because group threads tend to be tough to do and figure out and they do sort of die, I figured just have people comment here if they wanted to share what happened with their characters on there.

I know for a fact that Adora was sleepy as all hell by the time 5 rolled around when she got to her session with everyone, and was probably easily distracted for that reason. She did bring pizza (Vegetarian, fishy-less for Starbuck, so no worries!) and a few things of wings and breadsticks.

So, who came and what did they bring/ want to work on there?

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03:21pm 07/12/2009
  Important OOC note. Peyton got really upset while talking to Lyle via AIM on Tuesday evening. She took off, didn't even shut her laptop. She just grabbed her phone, a coat, and some cash, and she teleported away. She didn't go too far, because she's upset, and when she's overly emotional, it's sometimes hard for her to teleport. She will not be in classes on Wednesday, and she left no sort of note about leaving. She will not be answering her phone either.

Criss, this is where you come in! Since Pey is missing and her laptop was left open with her convo with Lyle... do you think Summer might read it and realize Pey ran away???
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Monday Morning 
12:59pm 05/12/2009
  As of very late Sunday/early Monday, Roger is gone. Didn't tell anyone he was leaving, just disappeared into the night. All his stuff in his room is packed up in boxes.

(Of course we all know it was Dante who actually left, but shush on that.)

Note Nox will find in the room )
10:03am 04/12/2009
  Hey guys, this is Eve (Dizzy's writer) and I just brought this girl in, Amelia, with the face of Katy Perry. She's an all around shifter, capable of shifting into any mammal form she chooses, up to and including humans! Though she's only still just getting her footing with that. She can only shift into a person she's seen before (and if let's say they have birthmarks or tattoos that she isn't able to readily see, they won't be on her shifted form - for storylines purposes if she is shifted as someone else that'd be a way for others to know). When shifting into another person she can only do so for an hour or two at a time and the recovery can take a couple of days of rest because it's incredibly exhausting to do so.

Her preferred forms include panther for running, exercise and just having fun and a crow - there's nothing that she loves more than flying and makes for easy travel. Personality wise, she can pretty mischievous and is always up for doing something exciting but overall she's much nicer and more gregarious than Dizzy. As far as status goes, she's currently a student though given her lifetime growing up in a school similar to this and the extensive training she's received at her old school in France, she's in the process of learning to be a teacher and will be a T.A. to one of the Inner Beast Control professors, I believe. Next semester she'll probably take on a class or two, I'm thinking Shifting and the Flying classes, but we'll see. If anyone could use her from some storylines, I'm all for it though for most of her life she's been in France even though she's originally from the states.
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