05:34pm 28/11/2010
  Hi guys. I'm Kait and this is my boy Tommy Gray :) His PB is the adorable Jared Padalecki.

All his bio is up in his journal, but I'll introduce him. He's 21 years old, Bisexual and from a small country town called Byers, Texas which has a population of a little over 500 people so he's a country bumpkin :3 he's been through some hardships in his life, and he's a Clairvoyant|Medium. The gift is given to the first child born in his blood line and his Grandmother has it who currently resides in an institution where her because they don't believe in 'supernatural' beings or gifts.

He's been through a lot of tough times but considering, he's a very happy-go-lucky kid who loves to just have fun and joke around. I'm after anything and everything for my kid, and I'm totally not fussed on the storyline or anything :3 I'd just love some people to play him against :D
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