02:43pm 25/03/2010
  Okay, so, there's a new timeline for Charlie's upcoming BIG PLOT (for those who are new, his niece is going to be kidnapped by his evil sire, and Charlie will end up killing his sire and having a total mental breakdown).

If my math is right, we have our next two week changes taking place somewhere around April 2nd and April 16th. The one on April 16th will start with SUNDAY MAY 4TH (game time). THAT'S THE DAY MAGGIE GETS KIDNAPPED! I'm waiting until then to do it so that you all have plenty of notice, since this plot could impact pretty much all the charas in game (even if your kids don't care about Charlie, they might care about the fact that he kills another vampire)... and because I'm going on vacation!

I'm leaving town next Wednesday, March 31st, and won't be back until Wednesday, April 7th. My online time will be extremely limited, mostly only using AIM and maybe a few journal replies here and there using my cell phone. Last time I went to San Fran to see my family on vacation, they had me so busy that I was online maybe twice. So, feel free to pester me on mobile, and I'll chat when I can, or you can email me with plot questions/other stuff at

Did I confuse you all with a million and one mentions of dates? GOOD! Post questions here if you have any. And PLEASE let me know if the timeline of my plot interferes with anything major.. because I can alter if necessary.
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