12:41pm 27/01/2010
  More planning/questions regarding spring break in game. Questions first:
- since there are more staff members than we actually have represented through played charas, is it safe to assume that most our staff charas are permitted to leave campus for the break? (I have to think about Charlie, because being head of security, he might have to stay)
- what are the rules regarding minors? do they just need permission from a parent/guardian to leave campus for the break?

Now some planning:
- Starbuck and Kim are going to Australia. Summer will be babysitting their dogs. Kamea is going on the trip as well, as is Starbuck's mom (who will act as the nanny on the trip).
- Nox would like to take a trip (and I think everyone would agree he NEEDS to)... would Belle like to come with him?
- Pey always wants to bolt, but she's "grounded" and a minor, so she's probably staying put since there's no fucking way her parents would give her permission to leave.
- Frankie isn't sure what to do, and she needs to talk to a few people before making up her mind. She wants to go on the trip Jack is planning, but she's worried that she'll fight with Cassie or upset Nate by going on a trip without him. I think she needs to consult Vinnie before making up her mind.
- Charlie.. still not sure. Maggie won't be on campus, so he and Ava could have lots of alone time, but he'd also like to take Ava away for the week. Maybe they'd go to NY, if he felt it was safe to leave the school in the hands of another security staff member.
- Cherry.. not a clue.
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