OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[23 Apr 2012|06:08pm]
We've all been in this comm for a while now, and I think it's time for a refresher on some basic rules for the game. Keep in mind, this isn't caused by any particular person or plot in the game, so don't start worrying that I'm gonna start cracking down on you.

- Underage students have a curfew, and their rooms will be checked to make sure they're there after curfew.

- "Pregnancies have to be okayed by the mod. We don't want everyone getting pregnant. They must be carried out for full term." (That one's a direct quote from the rules list.)

- DO NOT USE OOC KNOWLEDGE IN GAME. That is Godmodding and not only does it fuck up peoples' plot, but it's just dickish.

- There are still federal rules that people must follow. Just because they're tucked away in a secret school doesn't make people immune. This includes (but is not limited to): statutory rape, regular rape, destruction of property, fighting, misconduct between staff and students (especially underage), harassment, abuse, etc. We're not very tough on you guys and we don't want to interfere with plots, but if it's well known throughout school that Person A is harming Person B, security will get involved and the person may be fired, expelled, or arrested, depending on the circumstance. And if that happens, that character will NOT be welcomed back to the school at a later date. If your plot gets too out of hand you will be given a warning that you're heading for consequence, so you won't be blindsided.

- "Slash is cool, but you have to remember that most of the population is NOT gay. Experimenting, especially amongst the young adults, is okay from time to time." (Another direct quote)

Obviously, this is a "from now on" circumstance, since I won't ruin what's already been done. But try and keep in mind that there are consequences to people behaving stupidly. If you're too obvious in your sordid lives, you'll have to suffer punishment.
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