OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[01 Sep 2011|01:09pm]
I know it's early.. but I thought I would introduce you all to the OLDER version of Kamea. She'll be nearly seven years old by the end of the virus plot. Here she is: KAMEA!
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[01 Sep 2011|05:58pm]
So two things: One, week change is tomorrow, sorry about the short notice but it completely slipped my mind. If this is a huge problem, let me know, otherwise get your saves in and backdate what you don't get in on time.

Two: I came up with a fun little mini plot that you may or may not participate in, it's totally up to you. Last night I said to myself, wouldn't it be fun if every character could have one wish granted to them? Obviously nothing major, nothing that would change the school or the world or anything, but a wish for whatever they wanted. But how, wondered I, could I make this happen? And then it hit me- 11:11. Lots of people make wishes at 11:11, and it would be easy to have some random passing NPC with a taste for making chaos to cast a spell over the school to grant any wish made at 11:11. So sometime next week, your kids will get to make wishes! Wee!

EDIT: I thought I would give an option to the Wish Plot. Either A) you guys can decide what your kids wish for and decide how it gets granted, or B) you can post your wishes and I'll decide how they get granted (with your approval of course). Because we all know magic never really gives us what we wish for. ;)

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