OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[16 Jun 2011|11:20am]
Not sure how many of you have heard of the show, but it's coming soon to NBC (so I see a million and one promos for it while at work). Anywho.. it's called The Playboy Club, and TJS's sexiest witch is in it:

Pearl the bunny!
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Teen Plot Clarification [16 Jun 2011|07:43pm]
Okay, so Demi and I were talking about the teen plot and it seems some wires have been crossed somewhere so we came to a decision about how this is working and wanted to clarify.

1 - The spell is not going to just wear off. It will have to be reversed by way of a potion which Penny and some of the other witches are working on now.

2 - If you have a teen and you want them to not be a teen sooner than next Wednesday in game, they can volunteer to be a part of the testing process for the potion.

3 - On Wednesday of next week, the potion will be mass-distributed to all of those students and staff who were affected by the spell. The transformation back into adulthood will probably be painful but it will be quite instantaneous.

4 - If you have additional questions, feel free to post them here and we will answer as best as we can!

As an additional FYI, though I have spoken to most of you personally already, Hope is going to opt to not take the potion and remain a sixteen year old. Characters are more than welcome to try to talk her out of this, but since there is really only one who could, but won't, the decision is pretty much made. Thankfully Cissy has contacted the new director who will arrive Sunday of next week.
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