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OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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Character Add [07 Jun 2011|08:59am]
[info]icecoldrussian - Misha Alexandrovna
[info]neverendingbas - Bastian Rhodes

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[07 Jun 2011|09:51am]
So I'm on my way out the door for work today, but I was looking at pictures of Britney from when she was 16, deciding if I want to make icons for the event or not. I think I might just link to a picture if I need to, too lazy to icon today! Anyway.

Do ya'll have characters who have pictures from when their PB was a teenager? Do you giggle at the gawdawfulness or smile at the awesometasticness of the time period?

Me? I sigh in shame. BEHOLD. THE LATE 90S.

Have a lovely day, everyone~ I hope to plot with ya'll soon. :3
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Ugh.. [07 Jun 2011|10:20am]
As most of you know by now, I've been having some major dental issues on and off for about six months now. The good news is, I've found a dentist that will see me to do an extraction of this tooth even though I don't have insurance. The bad news is that it's going to cost roughly $160 that I don't have. I've got until next Wednesday, the 15th, to come up with the funds or I have to cancel the appointment. This is not something I would ever, ever typically ask, but if anyone would like to contribute toward my extraction fund, that would be amazing. I have PayPal. I know you can transfer funds somehow with that though I'm not entirely sure how. You can IM me if you need to. (GiveMeHappyPills) I'm going to go find some shit to pawn and put up for sale on E-Bay now. Wish me luck!


Edit: My brother had sent us money to visit him next month and he just called to tell mom to take that money to get this taken care of instead. I've never been so excited to go to a dentist in my life!

Edit Again: I found a less expensive dentist who had a cancellation and can see me tomorrow. Hopefully this means only 25 more hours of this particular pain. I think I can handle that.

[07 Jun 2011|10:44am]
Big things happening for my kids this week!!!

Nox will be turning into a teenager, though don't expect him to be drastically different in regards to personality. He's always been kinda stuffy.

Frankie will turn into a teen as well, but FIRST! she's spending a few days in Vegas with Lyle. News of this will probably leak by Monday. People can gossip about how cozy they were at the wedding, and now they've run off to Vegas without warning! She'll be updating her facebook regularly with pictures of their adventures, and probably lots of pics taken by her own hand of the two of them being cute. Feel free to have your kids speculate about just how close they're getting.

Starbuck and Kim will FINALLY tell their family about the bun in Kim's oven. Some people may have started to suspect, because there is a bit of a bump there, and she's been wearing looser fitting clothing. Frankie, Vinnie and Lu will be the first people on campus to find out, and you can bet Frankie will waste no time in telling EVERYONE she sees. Of course, she'll forget all about it when she's age zapped.

Charlie is leaving the game this week, officially. He might be included in convos with a few charas after this, but he won't be a regular chara in game. I don't know if he'll ever come back. I ADORE playing him, but this game is no longer the right place for him. I'm going to be giving him a slight makeover and moving him elsewhere. Anyway, as for his exit, it will be a quiet one. The only chara who will even get a goodbye is Cassie. He's going to take advantage of the age reversal. Ava will be transformed to an 18 year old and forget all about him. As much as it hurts, he's not going to tell her about their marriage, and he hopes that she never remembers, because it will be easier for her. He wants Ava to have a fresh start and not be sad. So he'll take her to Ana and then go home to pack up all his stuff and leave before she has a chance to remember him. He will leave a note with Hope, but there won't be any sort of post or other goodbyes. Cassie he'll visit, because he loves her like family.

That's it!
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[07 Jun 2011|02:31pm]
Hey everyone! Susa here with my newest boytoy chara. This is Bastian. Some of you may remember him from an NPC scene with Rorie awhile back. He decided to stick around in my head and so I brought him here. ^_^ Isn't he gorgeous? (PB Josh Duhamel for those that didn't know)

Anywho, he'll be coming on as the head chef in the kitchens, slowly taking over and a bringing his own flair into the dining, but he won't leave out the favorites. He'd love to hear from both students and staff about ways to improve the meals and service, so if your kids have any suggestions or ideas, pass them his way! All in all, he's very friendly and outgoing. Open to meeting anyone and everyone. Total gentleman. Which isn't to say that he doesn't have his devious streak. As for the fun details, he's a shamanic shifter, meaning he can shift into various animal forms so long as he has his familiar which happens to be a claw and tooth necklace he wears all the time. He can cast minor spells, including healing and doesn't have to shift on the full. He grew up in a Native American tribe in Montana, raised by his grandfather who was the tribe's shaman.

So yeah. Any questions about him, hit me up. He's now available for play!

EDIT: For those that are interested, his sn is: imwutzcookin
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[07 Jun 2011|06:57pm]
Hola to all! This is Demi, once again with a new kid. His name is Misha Alexandrovna. He's a Russian ballet dancer that is retired and is now teaching dance at TJS. He hurt his knee badly enough he's no longer able to do ballet, but he's still able to dance. A little bit about him is that he's an ice mage and is the great great nephew of Anastasia Romanov, the one and only! Though he doesn't have any title or real notoriety.

His aim is lastoftheromanov if you want to hit him up! *looks at Emily*
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