OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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NOTE: [29 May 2011|04:56pm]
On Saturday a Den in Milton, south of Boston, was raided by an unknown force. Some might know of the vamps involved, including one Georgette Miles. All survivors have gone into hiding. The den has closed.
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[29 May 2011|09:26pm]
Could a mod please remove Dee from the game? Thanks.
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[29 May 2011|10:29pm]
I haven't posted this in a while and I just discovered the Susa didn't have it so here it is.. Batch Loader for IJ icons.


Just unzip the files, put all four in a folder with the icons you want to use, then run the UPL which opens a DOS batch uploader. It will ask for your username and then your password before it proceeds to upload all the icons onto the account. It'll close on it's own when it's done and voila, you has icons!

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[ viewing | May 29th, 2011 ]
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