OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[15 Jan 2011|11:24am]
I had a fun thought! Think of the most awful/weird/umcomfortable pairing for your kids. I bet they are hilarious.

Godric )
Fisher )
Lyle )
Blue )
Elle )
Garret )
Mandy )
Dante )
Roger )
Nicanor )
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RP rots the brain [15 Jan 2011|08:00pm]
So I was watching the Critic's Choice Awards which I taped last night because I wanted to see my Jackass boys be, well, Jackasses, and like.. Matt Damon was on there sitting at a table and then it showed Natalie Portman at another table and for a split second I was all.. Why isn't she sitting with Nox? Then I felt like a doober.

But I got to see Bam in a tutu which was great. And The Social Network parody skit was wonderful. And the Inception one too just for the Golf clothes alone.
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