OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[02 Jul 2010|07:16pm]
Just a note that I might very well not be on all weekend due to the holiday and my older brother being in town. I haven't seen him in six months so I will be attached to his hip pretty much. I will be back Monday some time though. So to people I owe scenes or want to scene might be sporadic, but it'll mostely wait till Monday.

- Demi
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Happy Independence Weekend! [02 Jul 2010|09:46pm]
Hmm, so I'm going to be MIA for the next week. I'm going with my boy's family to visit his grandparents where there is *Gasp* NO INTERNET! I do, however, have cell service, so feel free to message me. I am even willing to do AIMs so long as the cattle and horses don't get in the way. Either way, I hope everyone enjoys their holiday!
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[ viewing | July 2nd, 2010 ]
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