OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[27 Apr 2010|08:26am]
My apologies for being MIA for over a week or so now. Things haven't been hectic I've just been avoiding the internet entirely. For those that don't already know, I'm leaving the game soon (once I wrap up Dizzy's lines) and will post a (probably very long -s orry in advance) narrative about Dizzy's death. I realize it may go unread, I'm just going to do it for closure with my longest running character. As for Loghan I think he's just going to realize as much as he likes having a home he needs to be out in big open spaces (like his previous home the dessert). I promise I'll get to those tags still hanging in the air and try to get my kids faded out before the next week change, sorry keeping those of you that I did, hanging. <3
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[27 Apr 2010|05:15pm]
On Saturday, Jacob's going to find Dizzy in her room and bring her to the infirmary. To no avail obviously. Also he'll contact the staff right after.
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away for the weekend [27 Apr 2010|07:09pm]
I'm off camping starting tomorrow and I won't be back until Sunday evening.  If anybody needs to plan scenes, tonight's the night.  AIM: silvermoonlady9
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[27 Apr 2010|08:28pm]
As you all know from Eve's post... Loghan is leaving TJS. Well, Cherry will be leaving with him. She's running away with him ;) CUTE! I doubt she's coming back, but who knows. I might get the itch to drag her back one of these days. For now, I'm letting her ride off into the sunset with Mr. Wonderful.

So, now that I'm putting Cherry on the shelf, I think it's time to dust off Heather and give her another go. I'll try to make her active again. For those of you who don't know here.. have a gander: [info]tigershark. She runs the childcare center on campus, and she used to teach inner beast control. Anyone who has been on campus for a while would know OF her, even if they've never really stopped to have a conversation with her. She's a weretiger and generally sweet and easy going. Let me know if you'd like to plot something with her. I don't know about scenes straight away, might need to ease into her again since it's been awhile.

Also, there's a chance I'll bring in a new character, but I'm not sure who just yet. Got a few ideas bouncing around and need to think about it.
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