OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[08 Mar 2010|01:09pm]
I'm running off for the weekend! And by "weekend", I mean "from Wednesday night until Monday evening". Why? Because my younger brother is graduating from The Marines, and the whole family is going to Parris Island to watch his graduation ceremony. Then after that, I'm going with my sister to visit an old friend in South Carolina for a few days, and we fly home Monday.

So this means I will probably not have computer access, so scenes are a no go. But I will have my phone, which as y'all know you can mobile me on, so plotting and AIMs are still doable. Plus I'm spending the next few days playing as much as I can.

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[08 Mar 2010|04:38pm]
For those that haven't noticed, Fox came back around dinner time Tuesday night looking rather upset and closed off. Feel free to have people notice and comment on it, bug him about where he's been, etc.
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[ viewing | March 8th, 2010 ]
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