OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[23 Feb 2010|07:39am]
DUUUUUDES!!! Nox invaded my dreams like woah last night. Sadly, no smexin with him *pout*, but still some fun stuff, and one could turn into a plot, so I won't reveal that part until I talk to some people involved who might want to give it a try. But the funniest moment was Malakai flirting with Nox. SO HILARIOUS!
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[23 Feb 2010|12:29pm]
*Puts on her Authority Hat (ie, Ric)*

I'm going to be moving on Thursday, followed by some runaround madness on Friday. This means that more than likely I will be totally offline for at least one full day. Also, as I'm sure you've noticed, I've been lax on tagging and replies and such. This is because we're still packing.

If you need to ask me a Mod question, do yourself a favor- don't. Ask another mod.

If you need to ask a me question (such as for plots, or a "would so-and-so be around for this?"), then mobile me. I'll try to get back to you in a timely fashion.

I'm still willing to make plans and such, and if you want me in a scene then tell me and write up the scene. I am not starting up any scenes, but I will tag them as I get a chance. This is all, of course, temporary until I'm settled in and such.

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