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New Character [20 Feb 2010|07:30am]
[info]pipelinesurfer - Matt Schroeder - water mage

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[20 Feb 2010|10:50am]
Anyone (okay, stupid internet, behave yourself and stop posting my entries after one word...) want to pester the sleepy one? I figure by Sunday she'll have recovered from her flight/moving in and actually be poking around outside her room. ;)
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[20 Feb 2010|02:09pm]
Hey everyone! Monica here with my new character Matt! He's been floating around my head for a looooong time now and I've finally got him all done and ready to play! *dances* Anyhow, he's a 23 year old water mage originially from Norfolk, Virginia. He went to live with his grandparents in Hawaii when he was 13 because of an accident that resulted in the death of his 17 year old sister. Because of her death, he turned into a super adrenaline junkie so he has a big passion for anything in the realm of extreme sports.

Now.. for what brings him here.. prior to arriving at TJS, Matt was a rescue diver in the U.S. Coast Guard and when one of the rescue missions he was on went horribly wrong, it affected him not only physically, but psychologically as well. As a result, his abilities have suffered and, upon his mother's suggestion and his severe dislike of just sitting around and doing nothing, he enrolled at TJS to hopefully get back to normal.

So.. who wants to play? I promise Matt is a cool guy. :)

P.S. His screenname is USCG hazmatty so be sure to add it to your lists.
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RUMORS! [20 Feb 2010|04:22pm]
-> Fisher and Rez are definitely a thing. They spent almost every day last week together. Plus, Fisher's referred to Rez as "baby" and "love of my life" a few times, so. Yeah.

-> Simon and Ophelia went ring shopping last week, but now he's staying at Cissy's place. So... the hell? Are they married now or something?

-> So, that guy staying Roger's room is definitely Dante. And he is fucking massive. Yikes.
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