OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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And here comes my obligatory missing in action post.. [25 Dec 2009|01:24pm]
First off, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! Hope you're all having a great time with your loved ones!

Second off, my parents are flying into town tonight and they'll be around until January 9th, so my time online is gonna be kinda slim to none from now til then. I can work on existing threads and little journal tags here and there, but I don't wanna start anything new.

Love you guys!
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[25 Dec 2009|07:16pm]
I would like to point out that not one, but TWO! of Charlie's friends have now offered up their lady bits to him... and not in that way... but to pop out babies for him and the wifey. I'm very amused by this, and I think he's just disturbed.
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[ viewing | December 25th, 2009 ]
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