OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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EMILYYYYYY [07 Dec 2009|09:49am]

For Belle Moore's Myths & Legends T/R class, can Eve and I say that she assigned partner-reports? We want an excuse to throw our two shapeshifters together. :)
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Opinion poll [07 Dec 2009|11:12am]
How would we feel about a secret santa thing? Everyone interested puts their name in, then whoever's name you get, you give them a ficlet drabble or an icon (or several) or a photoshop or something game-related.



Okay we're doing this! If you're interested in putting your name in, either comment here or AIM me (bewdahjoo). I'll figure out who gets who (it will be totally random) within a few days and message/email your person.

Fun times!
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[ viewing | December 7th, 2009 ]
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