OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[03 Aug 2009|11:16am]
DANCE CARD! *doodoo*

Blake --
No clue. More Ricness?

Maybe, if Ric finds out about El Babbo, talking to him?
Celia plus bebbeh names

Roger and Dante but unsure as to what?

To post el Peyton convo? (once finished)
I assume being stalked by Garret and Cassie, the poor thing.
Meeting Fisher

Ric coming to surprise her!

One goodbye AIM with Arc?

Anything else?
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[03 Aug 2009|01:12pm]
So, I need to figure out Christmas presents from my kids! But first, I gotta make sure I put together a good list of who all will be getting presents, and to ensure that I don't screw up and have one of my kids forget to be nice to a friend, can you tell me if you think your charas belong on this list? My brain can be scattered, and I don't want to forget anyone!

- Kim
- Frankie
- Nate
- Vinnie
- Lu
- Kalli

- Davia
- Danny
- Cassie
- Sydni
- Lyle
- Fisher
- Calvin

- Olivia
- Hope
- Katie

- Vinnie
- Starbuck
- Nathaniel
- Kindle
- Sydni
- Kim
- Cissy

- Lyle
- Rez

- Heath
- Mikhail
- Kim
- Sydni

- no gifts from her, because she hasn't made good enough friends yet

Dude, this is gonna take me FOREVER to figure out! That's a shit load of presents!!!
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[03 Aug 2009|02:52pm]

So as of this week I'm dropping Ethiel. The PB change worked so far as introducing me more to his psyche - the only problem was his psyche was highly messed up, unsociable so there was no point in him actually being there.

GOOD NEWS IS I bring forth Christopher Saunders, this blonde English chap who is 22, 1/4 angel spawn and full gifted human who can cast illusions. Want a date with an actor? Want to take a trip to Bermuda without actually flying? Chris is your man. At least he was until he got beaten up for his money. See, Chris is dirty stinkin' filthy rich!!! and when he got beaten up he lost his ability to use his powers effectively so he's here to get them back damnit!!

Plots please!

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[03 Aug 2009|06:57pm]
So I was pondering and wondering -
What's the deal with giving presents? Are we doing it this week or next week in the game? Just wondering what people are planning on.
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