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OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[03 Jun 2009|02:27am]
Due to bad judgment on a character choice and therefore a lack of muse, I'm dropping Jono. Sorry!
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We call this the scramble, because even when you screw up you have to make it look intentional. [03 Jun 2009|01:45pm]
So clearly I screwed up a little bit I've fooled you all! So rather than try to quickly come up with an incredibly complicated reasoning for why Fenrir would go without sleep since last Wednesday (let alone how to justify it all) I'm just going to explain it all away by saying, Fenrir was having nightmares which kept him from sleeping.

His post regarding how he would stalk the grounds to protect students was not in response to the attack on Shizuka, in fact he wouldn't find out about that until Friday when he climbs out of the woods. His post was in regards to his own sleep induced delusions that hunters were in the woods coming to kill the lycan students. When he finally collapses from exhaustian on Wednesday, he goes through another magical journey to the land of ghosts and sorrowful reunions with family, again has a talk with his dead mate/son, and winds up working through another complicated part of his past, at least so far in his ability to be the wolf that he is on Saturday of this game week.

More details on that later, as I make them up see fit to reveal them.

I mean, come on. You didn't really think Fenrir would just up and start protecting everyone did you? Pffh, fooled you all! This was all part of my nefarious scheme from the get go. It had nothing to do with my exploration of the fourth dimension and skipping through time. That would be just crazy talk.

Bwah ha ha, ha ha!
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[ viewing | June 3rd, 2009 ]
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