OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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EWWW! [23 Apr 2009|09:04pm]
So like.. I totally have cooties. Hardcore cooties. I am working on day two of sleeping and shivering and I feel like death warmed over. This is making it hard for me to really focus on a lot as far as the game goes. I've been able to keep up with like.. one character, sometimes two, in between periods of sleep which I have been doing a lot of.

So, because of this, and because you guys have always been up for helping out in the past, I was curious, does anyone want to write up the fall festival? It will be very ornate, like the last one was, and may possibly require a few threads to be posted up for the various areas of the festival, and I simply don't have the energy or the creativity in me to do that right now.

So yes, assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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