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[13 Apr 2009|08:13am]
Meet Lyle, Fisher's brother! He's a new vamp and nothing like his brother.
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[13 Apr 2009|01:01pm]

Ok so this is Emily with my 4th character!  I have more to introduce but I have decided to spam your friends lists and do it individually because I have just woken up and am excited and cannot be doing with links to each char and blah blah blah. :D

Anyway, yeah! This is Luanna Woods, but she likes to be called Lu. She is a pixie, from Hawaii, and an ex of Starbucks. To quote her personality section of te app (what? I did say I had just woken up)

 "She is a no fuss girl. The water and the waves come before perfect hair and make-up. No contest! She lives for the moment and doesn't do the girl code thing very often. She was more likely to be seen surfing with the guys than giggling and gossiping with the girls on the beach. Now don't get her wrong, she enjoys being a woman and especially the things that go with it, like making out with hot surfer dudes, and she knows how to flaunt her femininity but she is just an easy going kinda girl. There is just something about her that exudes fun and playfulness, possibly why she was so good at her job, teaching children to swim back home. She is definitely more often seen with a smile on her face than a frown."

Ok, so I suck at this intro thing, as always, but ask me any question on her and I will answer! Also plottage is Faaaaaaaaaaaaaab!

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[13 Apr 2009|01:16pm]
Hai there :)
Tis Jade with another character. I got suckered in, yeap.
He is yet another Professor, this time teaching Maths and Baseball. He's called Jonah Macintyre and he's yet another sweetheart but my first American one :) from Seattle, with the gorgeous face of Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
Jonah is a human, but he has ESP - which is different to the usual meaning of seeing ghosts and goulies and precognition. Extra Sensory Perception to Jonah (and many others) means he has exaggerated perception, like an extra sense of smell, sensing changes in the air, when apparitions/spirits go by (he does not see or talk to them), when someone's nervous, when something bad is going to happen, weather, changes in atmosphere, pin point hearing... his gut instinct is usually right.

Taking a leaf out of Emily's book - regardé -

Often expected to be the life and soul Jonah is actually quiet - he simply has this warm feel to him which draws people as well as his sense of humour. Get a few particular mates around him and a few beers and he'll be loud and daring people to do things, but generally he's a sound guy with compassion for his fellow men and women. He's been known to be a counsellor for friends and their troubles - of course if you get him started on the stories of his glory days he'll keep you entertained for hours about chasing and you'll possibly forget your issues that way.
He's not without his faults, though - he can be wrapped up in his own little world, miss subtle hints and generally be guy-like but he's a more sensitive fellow than he'd have you believe. He's a wizened old cat, and he likes to use his intution to help people.

So that's him in a nutshell - another nutshell is that he used to Storm Chase, and did so for about 17 years until his instincts lead him into a tornado which threw him 20feet in the air and ended his chasing career.

ANYWAY! He's teaching now that he's back to full health - PLOT WITH MEH!

That is all <3333
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[13 Apr 2009|01:25pm]
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Kindle! She is the unknown (to... well everyone right now I think) little sister of Frankie, and therefore also a fire sprite! She is kinda closed down and unsociable right now, especially with any rich guys! lol. I am reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly looking forward to getting her into play though so I will be fiddling around to get her integrated. 

App dump "She can look after herself, and the sooner people realise that the better in her eyes. Kindle does not think she needs anyone, she has herself and she insists that is all she needs. She has admittedly softened in the last year, but she also got hurt and it has caused a war in her head, caught between believing she should be allowed to be weak, and thinking that letting anyone else know you is a weakness. Deep inside her, if she ever lets anyone close enough to see, is a lost and insecure little girl who wants to be looked after. She also has a nasty habit of putting things in her mouth, pen lids, pencils, her nails, anything small enough to chew without thinking about it usually."

Most noticeable thing about her is that her wings are IDENTICAL to Frankie's.

Oh yeah, this is Emily again, and I am not even done with my new character day! lol. Same deal as before, ask, plot, all cool!
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[13 Apr 2009|01:47pm]
Last one! Ok so this is character number 6 for me! I introduce you to Sophia .... well she is going by Roberts right now, but once the divorce goes through she will be Brennan. 

Anyway, she is a telekinetic, an ex trophy wife, and she has a 6 year old daughter (who is not the child of her ex husband despite what he thought before, hence the ex part, and is actually Heath's daughter)  who is only seen on campus during non school times as her ex husband does love the little girl despite not being his and pays for her to attend a private school in Boston. He is also the reason they are somewhat supported financially at the moment, although not in the manner to which they had become accustomed.

"The most important thing to understand about Sophia is that although she grew up comfortably, money wise, she wants better. She enjoyed being a trophy wife, spending money on herself and her daughter without thinking about it. She does not do budgets, and she does not want to ever have to, so she is always on the prowl for a benefactor to look after her. She is cool and collected on the surface, but she can change at a snap of her fingers and is extremely manipulative when needs must. Despite the ice queen exterior though she really does care for her daughter and genuinely believes that her manipulation is for the sake of the little girl. She just... likes to be in control, and for this reason her powers unnerve her a little sometimes."

You know the deal! Love you all! <3
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Did you know five is my lucky number? [13 Apr 2009|03:42pm]
Dedric here with Sami, my fifth character. He's the new groundskeeper, and your local supplier of drugs of a natural variety. That is the pot and mushrooms. Course, you have to get on his good side, cause he doesn't exactly advertise it.

He's got a past with Adora, used to be a tobacco farmer, and is a smoke demon. But he is also my most normal character yet. That's right, no deep psychological scarring, no strange hobbies or past times, and he talks like a normal person (though he has a tendency to use British (or what I consider British) phrasings (please beat me with a dull piece of wood if I butcher it.)))))

He'll be doing a proper intro after I do a little more work. After all, I should do something to get paid. But for now, that is all.
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[13 Apr 2009|09:29pm]
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