OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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Rumor Mill! [09 Apr 2009|01:22am]
[I love posting these, can't you tell?]

Professor Witt is gay. Probably.
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SORRY!!! [09 Apr 2009|11:21am]
I know I have been the suck as a mod here lately. I still have apps that need to be reviewed and approved and wanted characters that need to be updated and more replies than I can possibly think to make and I am sorry. I have been so busy. Work is taking up the vast majority of time and my new best friend has been taking up the rest of it. (Gay boys can be SO demanding sometimes.) But I am trying my best to get caught up even though my work schedule is strange and may get stranger with our upcoming hour change what with the whole thing where the place I am working is going through a complete transition that I am both excited and nervous as hell about. LOL.

ANYWAYS, I just wanted to let you all know that I've not forgotten you! PROMISE! And now I must go get ready for work.

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[09 Apr 2009|06:11pm]
Crisis with provider solved!! Am back in action now, quicker than expected but yay :D
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