OOC Community for TiberiusSwann's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[12 Feb 2009|02:38pm]
Soooo... my ability to thread seems to be dead this week. LAME! I don't know what it is, I just can't force myself to tag anything, the brain goes blank. BUT I'm totally up for AIMing my kids with anyone! I don't keep my kids logged in on AIM, but if you wanna play with them, just hit me up on my personal AIM, I'll log them on, and you can talk to whoever you want.

Oh, and here are their SNs:
Starbuck - tehstarbuck (he uses mine)
Charlie - tequilajzz
Nox - gnothiseauton4
Frankie - spiceysprite
Heather - sharkssmile
Peyton - hit peydirt

*temps with yummy abs*
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Week Change [12 Feb 2009|10:13pm]
Don't forget! Week change is coming in the morning! Get any holds in that you may need in the meantime.
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[ viewing | February 12th, 2009 ]
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