Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

Who: Victoire and Teddy
When: Tuesday, 8:30 PM
Where: Various places
What: Walking home
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed/incomplete
Thanks for coming. )
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Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Who: Tonks and Teddy
When: Saturday, 7 pm (backdated)
Where: Tonks's flat
What: A difficult and anticipated meeting.
Rating: Probably low.
Status: Private and ongoing

She didn't want him to see just how nervous she was. )
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Friday, March 12th, 2010

Who: Teddy & Cedric
Where: Bookstore Cedric works at
When: late morning Friday
What: Random run in between Teddy and Ceric
Rating: Low
Status:: Incomplete

Meeting someone you actually find in the history books. )
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Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

Who: Molly Weasley and OPEN
Where: Outside fabric Shop
When: Tuesday Morning
What: Molly is unsettled by a nightmare she had and no longer feels safe in her apartment. Molly goes window shopping to take her mind off her worries.
Rating: TBD
Status: Open/incomplete

Tied together with a smile but it's coming undone )
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Monday, March 8th, 2010

Who: Teddy and OPEN
When: Monday evening
Where: Marketplace
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete/Open

Pumpkin soup will be a little like hope, he thinks. )
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Friday, March 5th, 2010

He has no idea where he is. And even worse, he's alone!

Who: Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley
Where: Outside Glacies
When: Around Thursday Evening
What: Teddy isn't going to sit around, so he goes to investigate.
Rating: Low, I'm sure
Status: Incomplete/Open

Teddy doesn't like this. He doesn't like to not know where he is... or worse, be alone in a strange place. That's what you get for making him an almost-unofficial member of the large Potter/Weasley clan! )
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