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Times and Trials

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[Dec. 14th, 2008|12:14 am]
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Who: Harry, Kingsley and St. Mungo's Healers
When: Late Friday Night, After the Battle at the Ministry
Where: Kingsley's Office, then to St. Mungo's
Statis: Complete!
Rating: PG-13, for language

Summary: Saved at Last )
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[Dec. 12th, 2008|01:14 pm]
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Who: Everyone! Order and Death Eaters!
Where: Ministry of Magic, Basement
When: Friday Evening
Rating: TBD
Statis: InComplete

Summary: A New Hope )
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[Dec. 11th, 2008|02:48 pm]
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WHO: Remus Lupin and Walden Macnair (Nymphadora Lupin at the end)
WHEN: July 11th, 1998 - mid afternoon
WHERE: Fulford Cemetery (E. Yorkshire, England)
WHAT: Walden goes to pay his respects to Emmelime at her final resting place, and triggers the wards Remus had set on her headstone. He confronts Walden face-to-face about this plan of his, and they talk about Emmeline and manage to remain civil... for a little while.
RATING: PG-13 (violence, language)
STATUS: Log | Complete!

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[Dec. 9th, 2008|05:39 pm]
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Who: Harry, Narcissa and Voldemort
When: Tuesday Evening
Where: Undisclosed location of Voldemort
Rating: PG-13
Statis: Complete!

Summary: If he dies before his time, then expect to follow him )
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[Dec. 8th, 2008|03:33 pm]
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WHO: Millicent Bulstrode, Ingrid Bulstrode, Walden Macnair
WHEN: July 8th, 1998
WHERE: Bulstrode home
WHAT: Walden comes over for dinner, and he finally explodes at his sister and tries to mend the bridge with his niece.
RATING: PG-13 for language
STATUS: Log | Complete!

So we're alright then? )
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[Dec. 6th, 2008|11:06 am]

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Who: Narcissa and Bellatrix
What: Narcissa seeks the help of her sister
When: Backdated to Voldemorts reign inside of the Malfoy Manor
Where: Malfoy Manor

Read more... )
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[Dec. 4th, 2008|02:31 pm]
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WHO: Millicent Bulstrode, Ingrid Bulstrode (NPC)
WHEN: July 4th, 1998
WHERE: Bulstrode home (Manchester, England)
WHAT: Ingrid wants to talk to Millicent. An arguement inevitabley ensues.
PG (language, very minor violence)
STATUS: Complete!

He's always trying to protect you, but I honestly don't know why! )
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[Dec. 4th, 2008|01:57 am]
[mood | crushed]

Who: Ginny Weasley
When: When she receives the package from Voldemort.
Where: Gryffindor Tower.
Why: The once sure Gryffindor is breaking.
Rating: PG-13 for imagery.
Status: Complete.

Only action would dull this pain, but what action could be had in such a hopeless situation? )
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[Dec. 2nd, 2008|11:29 am]
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Who: Voldemort, Harry, Walden, Narcissa and Lucius
When: Tuesday Evening
Where: Undisclosed Location
Rating: PG-13
Statis: InComplete

Summary: We shall rise again. )
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[Dec. 1st, 2008|01:36 pm]
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WHO: Nymphadora 'Tonks' Lupin and Kingsley Shacklebolt
WHEN: July 1st, 2008
WHERE: Ministry of Magic (Minister of Magic's Office)
WHAT: Kingsley needs to talk business with Tonks about her place in the Auror department.
RATING: TBA (probably very low)
STATUS: Thread | Incomplete

Ministry shuffling )
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[Dec. 1st, 2008|12:06 am]
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Who: Voldemort and Harry
Where: Undisclosed location
When: Mid June, Late evening
Rating: R, for violence and language
Statis: Complete

Summary: I want answers and I want them NOW. )
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RP: Harry and Remus (BACKDATED) [Nov. 25th, 2008|10:28 pm]
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WHO: Remus Lupin and Harry Potter
WHEN: May 2nd, 1998 (before the Ginny/Harry thread)
WHERE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
WHAT: Remus, while moving through the castle during the Battle of Hogwarts, stumbles on Harry who had just gotten returned from watching Snape die. Remus helps defend him to get him to the Great Hall, but Harry then begs him to go find Hermione, Ron and the others so he can proceed alone.
RATING: PG for some obvious mentions of violence and death
STATUS: Complete!

People are dying. Too many people are dying... )
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Backdated; Ginny and Harry, just before the fight with Voldemort [Nov. 24th, 2008|01:14 pm]
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Who: Harry and Ginny
When: Just before Harry went into the Great Hall to fight Voldemort
Where: Hogwarts, just outside the Great Hall
Rating: PG-13, just in case
Statis: InComplete

Summary: I've made a lot of mistakes, but my biggest was giving up you )
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