Time of Storms
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About Time of Storms
Albus Dumbledore is dead. The Order is thrown into chaos by betrayal and grief. The Death Eaters and the Werewolves have formed an unholy alliance which threatens Wizard and Muggle alike. The world has changed, and no one knows who will live, or who will die... or even who to trust.

This is the Time of Storms, a Harry Potter serial fanfiction collaboration. It is compliant with the events presented in "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince", and both reflects and expands upon them. It is primarily an exploration of the events in relation to two characters: Remus Lupin, who is an Order of the Phoenix member sent to spy among the werewolves, and Severus Snape, who is the biggest traitor the Wizarding World has ever seen... or is he?

While not dark in nature, this work will touch upon the darkness of the characters and a world which is in the grip of a war of survival. It will explore issues of trust and betrayal, love and hate, pain, loss, and, most of all, the triumph of the human spirit in the face of insurmountable odds.

Clouds are on the horizon... it is the Time of Storms.

Disclaimer: This community may contain adult language and material not suitable for readers under the age of 18. Remus Lupin, Severus Snape and all related Harry Potter characters and concepts are copyrighted by JK Rowling and Warner Bros. This journal is for non-profit, entertainment purposes only; no infringement intended.

Please friend this community rather than trying to join it - membership is limited to the authors - Thank you!

November 2006
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Back February 14th, 2006 Forward
McKay [userpic]
Thanks and an apology

Original poster: arionrhod

First, thank you SO much to whomever gifted [info]time_of_storms with the bouqet of roses! That was incredible sweet, and I believe I can speak for McKay and I both when I saw we are deeply touched. Thank you so much, everyone, for your support of this serial - we've enjoyed writing it (all 120,000+ words!) So thank you to our anonymous benefactor! Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated!

As for the apology...

RL has kind of caught up with me. There was not a post on Saturday, which is my bad, because yes... Severus is supposed to be talking to Draco. And he WILL be talking to Draco; I just have to write it. Unfortunately when I delayed until "Tuesday" it TOTALLY slipped my mind that today was Valentine's Day (and Happy Happy to everyone out there!). I don't know if I can get the chapter up tonight, what with spousal celebrations (*cough* You dirty minded people you!). So... another brief delay in the story, but I shall hopefully get something up by tomorrow at the latest!

*HUGS* Thanks to everyone for your support!!!!

Back February 14th, 2006 Forward