Aug. 8th, 2007


Questions and Answers

If you do not see your question answered either here or in the userinfo page, please post a comment with your question to this post.

What is the minimum and maximum length for a story here?
Minimum - I'd say about 100 words is a reasonable minimum. This is more or less a drabble, which can be quite effective, if used appropriately.
Maximum - There is no maximum. If you'd like that story to be a multi-chaptered 300,000 word fic, that's fine.

I've seen some people post their stories to their IJ, others to the community. Some communities like to have you post to the community. What should we do here?
You're welcome to post stories to your own IJ or IJ community (or website) and simply link them here, or post your stories here outright. My personal suggestion would be to go with whichever choice makes you the most comfortable.

If something happens to the community, then stories posted to it could be deleted...?
No, it wouldn't. While I can say that I don't intend for anything to happen that would have this community deleted, that doesn't really help much, does it? What I would recommend is that, if you are concerned about that point, either crossposting (posting to two places) or posting to a journal or community you control, and linking it here, as both are acceptable and likely to make you feel more comfortable.

Are you allowed to mix-and-match the three characters you chose into pairings? Like, if I chose characters A, B, and C, could I have some of A's pairing be A/B and A/C, and one of B's pairings B/C?
From the outset, this looks like a good idea, but I can say from experience it quickly makes things difficult to count or judge. I will say you can, but such ideas should be used sparingly.
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January 2008


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