December 14th, 2008

[info]te_miles in [info]third_event

RP: Celebrating is always fun.

Date: December 14th, 2001
Characters: Miles Bletchley, Stephen Cornfoot
Location: The Caribbean
Private/Public: Private
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Miles and Stephen celebrate Stephen’s birthday.

Happy Birthday to you... )

[info]te_fred in [info]third_event

RPG: Fred and Ginny

Date: December 14th, 2001 (either very early in the morning, or very late at night on the 13th)
Characters: Fred and Ginny Weasley
Location: Starting at Fred and George's flat, and on to destinations unknown
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Fred and Ginny go on craazy adventures

Tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet? )