Thief's Downfall RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Thief's Downfall RPG

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[22 Jun 2009|02:11am]
Who: William Rickett and Lachlan Urquhart
Where: Diagon Alley..ish
When: June 22nd - Morning
Rating/Status: TBD/Incomplete

what day is the best to work in a strip club? )
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[22 Jun 2009|08:08am]
Who: Nate Vaisey, Garan Summerby, and Caradoc Summerby
When: Sunday evening, June 22, 2003
Where: The boys' house in Montrose
What: Garan's trying to be a cool big brother.
Rating: TBD

'There are some things, Nate, that are just best left to the imagination.' )
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