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Planetfall: Newhall, Day One [28 Nov 2009|12:11am]
Who: Rezek, King, Zeke
What: Out and about, re-supplying
When: Morning, planet-side
Where: Main port of Newhall on the largest island chain
Rating: TBD
Status: Ongoing

Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it. )
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[28 Nov 2009|11:16pm]
Who: Dalia, Bronis, Soren
What: Escaping, killing people, stealing ships.
When: 2510
Where: The Nekhbet
Rating: R to be safe
Status: Ongoing

Revenge is sweeter than life itself. )
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[ viewing | November 28th, 2009 ]
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