Dec. 10th, 2010


Is it too early for this?

It's been awhile, let's play a guessing game, kids.

1. Comment with your name;
2. People will tell you 1-3 things they think are true about you;
3. Comment other people even if you don't know them too well! This could be any kind of wild assumptions from "I think your favorite color is pink" to "I believe you had a crush on your older sister's boyfriend when you were nine years old".
4. Don't forget to let people know if they're right about you!

Anon is enabled if you want to let someone know of your secret crush on them. Just remember to keep it nice and respectful.

Nov. 25th, 2010


I'm thankful for your questions

Not sure we have enough people on for this, but feel free to jump in even if you're late.

1. Comment with your name;
2. People will tell you why they are thankful for having you in their lives;
3. Feel free to comment other people even if you don't know them very well! Someone you admire from afar? Something they did that made you smile? A positive impression they've caused? Bring it all on.

Nov. 5th, 2010


How about a question game?

This is Truth or... Truth. To kill time until we all go out to have fun, how about a game? This is like Truth or Dare, but adapted to fit the internet, clearly. I don't even know if it will work, but let's give it a try.


1. Comment with your name in a new comment saying you'd like to participate;
2. Other people will then reply to your comment with questions they'd like you to answer;
3. Answer the questions.

There are several websites you can get question ideas from. LMGTFY.

If you want to issue "dares" for people you'll be seeing soon, go ahead. I hope I can witness it. I don't know if anonymous is enabled, but we'll find out soon enough. Remember direct questions are much easier to play with this game! PS. try not to be nasty. We're among friends.

edit: don't forget to ask questions in addition to answering yours!