Posts Tagged: 'week+change'

Jul. 31st, 2020



Week Change!

Beloved players,

Here are this week’s events! As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox or group chat if you have any questions, and remember that you’re welcome to backdate threads to last game week if you need. This week is the last gameweek before the time skip (hooray!). As ever, use the space below for plotting and let us know if you have questions


~ Emily and Anastasia

Week Twenty-Two Weather and Events )

Mar. 24th, 2020



Week Change!

Beloved players,

At last, the long-awaited week change is here! As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox or group chat if you have any questions, and remember that you’re welcome to backdate threads to last game week if you need!


~ The Mods

Week Twenty-One Weather and Events )

Oct. 7th, 2019



Week Change!

Beloved players,

Here are this game week’s events! As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox or group chat if you have any questions, and remember that you’re welcome to backdate threads to last game week if you need!


~ The Mods

Week Twenty Weather and Events )

Jul. 28th, 2019



Week Change!

Beloved players,

Here are this game week’s events! This game week will proceed until around Sunday, August 25th. As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox or group chat if you have any questions, and remember that you’re welcome to backdate threads to last game week if you need!


~ The Mods

Week Nineteen Weather and Events )

Jul. 18th, 2019



Time Extension + Week Change Update!

Beloved players,

Since people are just now starting to react to the Resistance attack during Unification Day, we've updated the gameweek (added a few Clovennian media reactions and moved some stuff in the later days around). To give everyone time to respond the new changes and to work on any thread you had planned for later in the week, we're going to extend this gameweek one more time, so the gameweek will run through Sunday, July 28th. However, we know that some folks (esp with Aurellian characters!) don't have a lot planned, so we're reposting gameweek in its new, updated form and we encourage everyone to use this space to post your plot-related desires for the time extension, so everyone has stuff to do ❤


~ The Mods

UPDATED Week Eighteen Weather and Events )

Jun. 15th, 2019



Week Change!

Beloved players,

Here are this game week’s events! This game week will proceed until around July 13th. As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox or group chat if you have any questions, and remember that you’re welcome to backdate threads to last game week if you need!


~ The Mods

Week Eighteen Weather and Events )

Apr. 21st, 2019



Time Skip!

Beloved Players,

1) The time skip will take us ahead four weeks, from Sunday May 15th through Saturday, June 11th. During this time, you can thread at any point during the time skip!

2) Because we have so much time to cover, and because so much stuff is happening, we’re going to preemptively extend the time skip to six real-time weeks rather than a month, just so everyone has time to thread all the stuff they want! As usual, we will happily grant further time extension if folks have more stuff to do.

3) Because there are so many days to cover, we won’t be posting weather day-to-day. Assume, however, that temperatures increase slowly over the course of the next four weeks to hover in the high 70s to low 80s. There will be a heatwave in week three (more info on that in the time skip!). The only big rainstorm will be on Monday, May 30th. Otherwise, things will be sunny, with occasional clouds and breezes.

3) This post is, as usual, open for plotting amongst your characters! However, you’re also encouraged to hit up the dropbox if there’s anything else that involves your characters you’d like added.

Now, on to the events of the week! And as always, feel free to use this entry to post your desired thread ideas and get plot for the week.

Happy playing!

- The Mods

Time Skip from Sunday, May 15th to Saturday, June 11th Events )

Mar. 24th, 2019



Week change!

Beloved players,

Here are this week’s events! This gameweek will proceed until about April 20th. As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox or group chat if you have any questions. Em’s going to extend her hiatus through April 1 until conference craziness is over, and then she’ll be back full swing!

Also, we’re considering replacing our next week change a four-week time skip, similar to the one we did last summer except a little shorter. This skip would take us from mid-May to mid-June, and characters will be able to interact over the period of a month, rather than just a week. This would give everyone the opportunity to adjust any plots or lines they might have for their characters, like starting a new job, quitting an old one, dropping lines that aren't working or picking up new ones. Any kind of development that might be hard to do with week to week incremental changes.

Please let us know if you're down for a time skip as our next time advancement in the comments or via the dropbox!


~ The Mods

Week Sixteen Weather and Events )

Feb. 17th, 2019



Week Change!

Beloved players,

Here are this week’s events! This gameweek will proceed until about March 24th. As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox or group chat if you have any questions. As a reminder, mod-Emily will be on soft hiatus through this gameweek hit up Lindsay for intensive questions or plotting.


~ The Mods

Week Fifteen Weather and Events )

Jan. 6th, 2019



Week Change!

Beloved players,

Here are this week’s events! This gameweek will proceed until about February 1st. As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox or group chat if you have any questions!


~ The Mods

Week Fourteen Weather and Events )

Nov. 28th, 2018



Week Change!

Beloved players,

Here are this week’s events! This gameweek will proceed until about December 28th, though extension is likely given how busy the holiday season tends to be. As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox or group chat if you have any questions. In addition, we have an announcement:

  • This gameweek (and next) Jamie will be portraying a temporary NPC in the form of Lucien Rameau to help Lindsay out with some Beau plot. The character will be around for two game weeks and then return to Castyll.
  • We want to make temporary characters an option to help fulfill certain plots for characters that might be difficult to do without them. So! If you’d like to portray, or have someone portray, a temporary character we ask that you talk to us first and have a clear concept for exactly what the character is designed to do and how long they’re going to be around. Once the concept is approved, you can ask other players in game (via chat or other means) if anyone is interested in picking up a temporary NPC. We’ll ask NPC players to fill out a (very short) bio for them but nothing as intensive as the standard character app.
  • Temporary characters have the option to become full characters if you give us a compelling reason and fill out the standard application for them (should you have space on your character roster for an extra).

If you have further questions about temporary characters (or anything else!) hit us up here or via the dropbox.


~ The Mods

Week Thirteen Weather and Events )

Oct. 21st, 2018



Week change!

Beloved players,

Here are this week’s events! This gameweek will proceed until about November 19th. As always, feel free backdate scenes and journals as necessary and hit up the dropbox or group chat if you have any questions. Happy plotting!


~ The Mods

Week Twelve Weather and Events )

Sep. 16th, 2018



Week change!

Beloved players,

The new week change is here! As usual, feel free to backdate anything as you need to, and feel free to use this post to brainstorm whatever plot you’d like for this week.This game-week will run four real-time weeks, and end around October 14th.

In addition, we’ve made a new game resource for you! We’ve compiled as many in-game Braddon verse, parables, and references as we could find and made this handy-dandy reference document, now linked in the Culture page. If you don’t see a verse on there that we missed, please let us know and we’ll add it!

As a quick update, Mod Lindsay has a lot of RL things going on right now and will be retiring Teague Fox and Maura Pines. They're still in town and still available to react to plot-relevant things if you need them but for now, they'll remain NPCs.

As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox if you have any questions. Happy plotting!


~ The Mods

Week Eleven Weather and Events )

Aug. 18th, 2018



Week change!

Beloved players,

The new week change is here! As usual, feel free to backdate anything as you need to, and feel free to use this post to brainstorm whatever plot you’d like for this week.This game-week will run four real-time weeks, and end around September 15th.

As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox if you have any questions!


~ The Mods

Week Ten Weather and Events )

Jul. 16th, 2018



Week change!

Beloved players,

The new week change is here! As usual, feel free to backdate anything as you need to, and feel free to use this post to brainstorm whatever plot you’d like for this week. Em is aiming to get a setting post/group thread up for Turning by Tuesday night (and hopefully before). This game-week will run four real-time weeks, and end around August 12th.

As always, feel free to hit up the dropbox if you have any questions!


~ The Mods

Week Nine Weather and Events )

May. 20th, 2018



Time Skip!

Beloved Players,

1) The time skip will take us ahead six weeks, from Sunday, February 6th through Saturday, March 19th. (The next official gameweek will begin with Sunday, March 20th, and the next Turning festival, Canwyn 1 (March 21), will be Monday of that gameweek!). During this time, you can thread at any point during the time skip!

2) Because we have so much time to cover, and because so much stuff is happening, we’re going to preemptively extend the time skip to one real-time month rather than three weeks, just so everyone has time to thread all the stuff they want!

Because there are so many days to cover, we won’t be posting weather day-to-day. Assume, however, that temperatures increase slowly over the course of the next six weeks, with temperatures in the low to mid 50s and 60s at the for the first few weeks of February (with some cold showers and occasional fog/mist), but temperatures will gradually begin to warm and be easily in the low and mid 70s by early March, where temperatures will hover pleasantly.

3) This post is, as usual, open for plotting amongst your characters! However, you’re also encouraged to hit up the dropbox if there’s anything else that involves your characters you’d like added.

4) Those of you that wish to be involved in some way with the Train Debacle, go ahead and read through below! We’ve outlined the broad strokes of what will happen, but if resistance-players want to thread out the actual blowing up of the track, you are welcome to.

Now, on to the events of the week! And as always, feel free to use this entry to post your desired thread ideas and get plot for the week.

Happy playing!

- The Mods

Time Skip from Sunday, February 6 to Saturday, March 19th Events )

Apr. 30th, 2018



Week Change!

Beloved Players,

Before we get to the week change this week, we have a few announcements:

1) Sadly, Orion (who played our Adelaide Blackwood (our town Robor), Sabine Darrow (our Town Marshall) and Kelly Rhys (a staffmember at Rosier) had to drop the game. We'll miss them, and we wish them the best! Their characters will be written out during the week change.

2) Because we’ve had to extend the past several game weeks, we’ve decided to go ahead and extend all future game-weeks to three real-time weeks instead of two. We hope that this gives everyone ample time to complete threads and interact with the game-week events! This gameweek should take us through approximately May 20th.

3) Thanks for your feedback on the time skip! We’ll be skipping forward to the week of March 21st (Canwyn 1) next game week. We’ll have further information about it soon, and we’ll put up a plotting post for people to work out what’s been going on between their characters in the interim, and backthreads are encouraged!

4) New Rules update: We’re still not going to be doing formal activity checks, but if we have not heard from you either IC or OOC for a full three weeks, we will assume that you are no longer interested in playing and will sweep your characters. You can read additions to the rules post here.

Now, on to the events of the week! And as always, feel free to use this entry to post your desired thread ideas and get plot for the week.

Happy playing!

- The Mods

Week Seven Weather and Events )

Apr. 9th, 2018



Week Change!

Lovely Players,

Before we get to the week change this week, we have a few announcements:

1) Unfortunately, Ali (who played Evan) is super busy and had to drop the game. We'll miss her, and we wish her the best! Hopefully she can return one day when her life calms down.

2) In the interest of developing relationships over time, the mods are considering a time-skip which would fast-forward to next season (Canwyn 1, which would be around March 20th). This would skip approximately a month and a half of time, and of course we'd put up a plotting post for folks to figure out stuff that happened in the interim, and backdated threads would be encouraged. We're considering implementing this skip after next game week (so about one real-time month from now) so folks have time to plan and plot before it happens. But we want your feedback! Let us know, either here or via the dropbox, if a time skip is something you'd be interested in.

Now, on to the events of the week! And as always, feel free to use this entry to post your thread ideas for the week.

Happy playing!

- The Mods

Week Six Weather and Events )

Mar. 19th, 2018



Week Change!

Week Five Weather and Events )

Feb. 26th, 2018



Week Change!

Week Four Weather and Events )