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The Unbound IC

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Posts Tagged: '%21+time:+december+31+-+january+6'

Feb. 13th, 2018



She's been sleeping in the devil's bed

WhoBriar and Julius
What: another game
When: Friday night the fifth
Where: Antoine’s
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Sparks fly from her fingertips, she got the moon in her eye )



no more carefree laughter, silence ever after

Who: Blair and Tucker
What: An Earnest Attempt at Comfort
When: Tuesday, January 2nd (late)

Locked to Tuck )

Feb. 12th, 2018



Well they call it stormy Monday

Who: Luke & Ophelia
What: A stormy encounter
When: Tuesday afternoon, right around the storm-time
Where: Outside Ceddon's Bounty
Status: In Progress

But Tuesday's just as bad )



I've had enough, it's obvious

Who: Beau Rosier and Calvin Llewellyn
What: Calming Down
When: Tuesday Night/Wednesday Early Morning, January 2nd
Where: Rosier Manor, Master Bedroom

And I'm getting tired of crawling all the way. )



'Cause Wolves are at the door

WhoRhiannon and Open
What: A visit to Antoine's to see Nena Cousteau
When: Tuesday night the 2nd
Where: Antoine’s
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Don’t let them in cause you know what they came for, you better lock up the mansion and baby throw away the key. )



Your eyes are like starlight now

Who: Cal and Caden
What: offering warmth
When: Wednesday night, after this journal exchange
Where: from Ceddon's Bounty to Rosier Manor, is the plan
Rating: NSFW after a bit!

I wish I knew how to break this spell. )

Feb. 11th, 2018



Girl, you have no faith in medicine

WhoBriar and Open!
What: The window installation
When: Friday the 5th, afternoon.
Where: The Bounty
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Give me a sugar pill and watch me just rattle down the street )



Hold your head up

Who: Beau Rosier and Calvin Llewellyn
What: Advance Notice
When: Tuesday, January 2nd before & after this.

Locked to Calvin )



You can't wake up, this is not a dream

Who: Tuck, Julius and Fiona
What: A favor (Does it count as a favor if you're someone's boss?) A SKETCHY FAVOR
When: Tuesday night, after Tuck's freak out
Where: Belmont manor, Tuck's room
Status: In Progress

You are part of a machine, you are not a human being )



Ah, it's a big day

WhoCaden and Rhiannon
What: A gift
When: Friday morning
Where: Journal Correspondence
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

In a sall town )

Feb. 10th, 2018



nice to meet you, where you been?

Who: Tori Spencer and Julius Tennyson
What: A meeting of the snoops.
When: Thursday evening
Where: Rosier manor
Status: Ongoing

i can show you incredible things )



She didn't even say goodbye

Who: Tucker Belmont (narrative, open to reaction)
What: Bang bang
When: Tuesday morning
Where: Belmont manor, then the skies over Glynn
Status: Complete, open to reaction from folks in Glynn watching his Crazed Bat Shenanigans or folks at Belmont after his ungraceful return

Didn't take the time to lie )

Feb. 9th, 2018



Who: Nadine & Evan
What: A (passive aggressive) journal note
When: Tuesday morning

Locked to Evan )



I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice

Who: Caden and Cal
What: a journal note
When: Wednesday night

Listen to the fireplace roar. )

Feb. 8th, 2018



Travel the world and the seven seas

Who: Beau Rosier and Caden Hynes (and Tucker maybe.)
What: Jazz Sensation Nena Cousteau, One Night Only at Antoine's!
When: Tuesday, January 2nd
Where: Antoine's Blues Palace

Everybody's looking for something )



Don't tell me how to keep my composure

Who: Fiona and Darrow
What: putting up posters and not being arrested
When: in the dead of night from Sunday to Monday
Where: the streets of Glynn

Hostile is the frame for my state of grace )



Living La Dolce Vita

Who: Beau Rosier and Caden Hynes
What: A little sugar.
When: Sunday Afternoon, December 31st
Where: Canwyn's Tooth Bakery
Status: Complete

Don't you give me a reason, that it's not the right season )



Baby, it's cold outside

Who: Maura and Simon
What: A plea request.
When: Wednesday, January 3rd

Locked to Simon )



The past is in the past

Who: Cal and Addy
What: A complete accident
Where: The Temple
When: Evening, Wednesday, January 3rd

Thank god it doesn't last )

Feb. 7th, 2018



We are not what you think we are

WhoTeague and Ophelia
What: Curiosity, whimsy and irritation
When: January 1, afternoon during the tea party
Where: Belmont gardens/grounds
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Looking for treasure in the things that you threw )

Feb. 6th, 2018



Everybody here wanted somethin' more

Who: Vi & Tori
What: Another arrival
Where: Rosier Manor
When: Monday night, late
Status: In Progress

welcome to Aurelle )



Welcome to the tea party

Who: Vi, Nadine & Blair
What: A snarky tea party!
Where: Belmont Manor (eventually)
When: Monday afternoon
Status: In Progress

wanna be my VIP? )

Feb. 5th, 2018



Your Prada, your Margiela make you look like a winner

WhoJulius and Rhiannon
What: A casual visit
When: Monday January 1st
Where: Gerrick's
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

But no one’s gonna know if you never shine )



you'll be better, and you'll be smarter

Who: Simon & Teague
What: Responsibility
When: Sunday morning, concurrent with Luke's correspondence

Locked to Teague )



Who: Vi & Beau
What: Further logistics
When: Monday night, after note

Beau )

Ophelia )

Xavier )



Who: Vi & Tori
What: Surprise!
When: 9 PM, Jan 1st

back here )



Who: Luke & Various
What: Correspondence
When: Sunday morning, after the brawl
and Julius' note

Locked to Simon )

Locked to Teague )

Locked to Fiona )

Locked to Xavier )

Feb. 3rd, 2018



Day is breaking, it's time for me to leave

Who: Cal and Simon (maybe Beau)
When: Sunday morning
Where: Cal's room
Rating: TBD, possible nudity
Status: Incomplete

each breath I'm taking reminds me to grieve )



Who: Julius & Luke
When: Sunday, 12/31, Morning
What: Checking in, being a good friend

Locked to Luke )



Who: Vi & Various
What: Logistics etc.
When: Monday afternoon, January 1st, after Beau's note

Blair )

Ophelia )

Nadine )



Written from a cafe in Glynn

Who: Beau and Viola
What: Journal
When: Monday, January 1st just after this.

[Locked to Viola] )

Feb. 2nd, 2018



Looking at the city like I already own it

Who: Julius & Tucker
What: Breakfast, the morning gossip report, etc.
When: Sunday, 12/31
Where: Belmont Manor

I took what was mine, now I won't let go of it )

Feb. 1st, 2018



We are ash, we are books

Who: Beau Rosier and Nadine Fitch
What: Friendly Reunions
When: Monday, January 1st
Where: Glynn's Town Center

Coffee stained, and overlooked )



People are good, loving, they tell me

Who: Maura Pines and Calvin Llewellyn
What: Admission
When: Around 8:45 Sunday Evening, December 31st
Where: The Temple

Do as you should, all will be well they say. )



i'm sure that you're having fun

Who: Blair and Tuck
What: Field Trip? Field Trip!
When: Friday , December 29 (late morning)

Locked to Tucker Belmont )