Jun. 24th, 2016


So I thought nothing could possibly be less enjoyable than getting left in the desert by a crazy Mexican hunter because you were slowing up her group.

Apparently I was wrong.


Filtered to his pack + Parrish

Alright guys, I know some of you are still freaking out about what's going on.
For anyone still trying to figure it out, we're dealing with Zombies. These are things that were human and came back and now they feed off of humans. Not something I thought was real, but it is.

We need to figure out what we're going to do about, us. I don't know who or what else is here that could be...like us. I don't know if there is anything we should be worried about here, but we also can't lie to the innocent people that are here too. Some of us can't control things, and getting someone hurt is the last thing any of us want to happen.

There's a chance of it back firing bad if we tell at least the guy in charge that not all of us are human, it could get really bad but if there's anything else you guys can think of that could help or would be better...now's the time to figure all this out. Before anything else happens.

Jun. 23rd, 2016


What did I do wrong now?!

Jun. 21st, 2016


tag dump
