Friday, May 27th, 2011

Who: Marlo, Knight, Ari
When: Saturday, the 7th, around 2pm
Where: Knight and Ari's home
What: Marlo comes over for story time
Status: Ongoing
Rating: G

Oh, the places you'll go )
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Monday, May 16th, 2011

Week One -- Thursday -- September 5th

Who: Rett and Marlo
When: Late Thursday Night
Where: Houses near the Van Horn Apartments
What: Checking things out
Status: In Progress
Rating: TBD

After learning from Dove that the town was run by religious folk, he felt that he should retreat from the center of town and ride around the outskirts before he dove right back in again. Yet, he couldn’t help himself. He was almost out of food and he needed to do something about it soon. He wasn’t much of a hunter, and without a whole gang behind him he was forced to more or less rely on his own scavenging abilities, which meant mostly stealing what was readily available to be stolen.

To do this, he left his camp in the middle of the night and left his bike and most of his possessions hidden in the bushes on his way into town. He didn’t like having to do this on his own, it made him feel like some kind of peeping tom or creeper or something, but he didn’t have much of a choice at this point. He’d put on his darkest colored clothes and snuck into the part of town where he knew at least a handful of people lived. He hopped the chain link fence into the first backyard he found and when the coast appeared quiet and clear he set to work at picking the lock on the sliding glass door that lead into what appeared to be the dining room and kitchen.
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Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Week One -- Friday -- September 6th

Who: Seajay and Orion
When: Friday night
Where: Their camp outside of town
What: Things aren’t as they seem.
Status: In progress
Rating: TBD

After Orion and Seajay’s trip into town on Wednesday and Seajay’s safe solo trip around the lake on Thursday afternoon, they’d decided that they’d move into town on Saturday. Some of their supplies were getting low and it was time for them to get their dog and pony show on the road again. They’d spent Friday practicing their routine and getting things ready for their move so by the time they laid down to sleep they were all pretty exhausted. Seajay was always extra nervous the night before they went officially into a new town and drew a crowd to their little song and dance.

He laid in his sleeping bag, petting Star who’d laid down beside him. He could barely see the outline of Orion who was taking his shirt off and getting ready for bed on the other side of the dying fire. He sighed and rolled over to try and sleep, but his worry about what the next day might bring faded slowly into reassuring thoughts of his friends, and then only to Orion.

Is all we see or seem but a dream within a dream? )
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Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Who: Sugar & Reb
When: Wednesday, September 3rd, afternoon
What: Terrible twosome at large!

After dealing with the horses, Sugar had nothing to do. She contemplated going for another ride, but honestly wasn't in the mood to be by herself. Still, that's where she found herself. Alone and thinking about her life, her brothers, everything. She put the horses back in their stables and started walking toward town. She missed her brothers. She still had hope they were alive. They hadn't been much older than her, not even Jeremiah, when the virus hit. She missed David and his silly jokes, Michael's hugs, Jeremiah's mothering. She wondered what her mother would do in her shoes. "Make a life with what you have," The answer came immediately. So with a sigh, she did exactly that. Tried to push her worries out of her mind.

She sat down on top of someone's broken down truck and watched people go by. She whistled when she saw a familiar face. "Hey Sugah, don't you think 'bout passin' me by. C'mere!" She told Reb. He would help her lighten things up. He always did. "What are you doin'?" She asked as he drew closer.
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Friday, May 6th, 2011

Week 1 :: Wednesday :: September 4th

WHO: Orion and Seajay
WHAT: Exploring a bit, scouting out the town
WHERE: Just outside of Clayton
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
RATING: PG, I'd imagine
STATUS: Incomplete

It was impossible to say no )
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Monday, May 2nd, 2011

It's not that we're scared, it's just that it's delicate

Who: Sway, Smith & Stella
When: September 5th, evening
Where: Smith's apartment
What: A meeting two years in the making
Rating: PG-13 for probable cursing/yelling

"Are you really doing this? You're just going to go up to his apartment and be all 'hey you have a kid!' I mean, seriously?" Sway thought to herself for the billionth time. She held Stella in her arms as she walked. She wasn't sure what to do. She hadn't been sure two years ago either, but she survived it. Now she had Stella, her Starling, the light of her life. Smith would probably be so angry with her. She expected that. Welcomed it even. She was angry with herself.

As the girls reached the apartment, Sway raised her hand to knock...then turned around...then turned back....and again...and back. "Just do it. You've been waiting and dreading for this day for how long? Just. Do. It. He's going to find out one way another."

Finally, she summoned her courage and knocked. Maybe he wouldn't be home! Hope sprang in her chest at the thought. Then she heard a shuffle from behind the door and fear replaced it. Stella was struggling to get down, so she set her on her feet and held her hand.
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Sunday, May 1st, 2011

Week one

Who :Roma and OPEN
When: The afternoon of September 4th
Where: Sardis Pier, in a brightly coloured 'pop up' booth
What: She's feeling psychic
Ranking: G
In progress

Read more... )
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Friday, April 29th, 2011

Who: Marlo, OTA
When: Saturday, September 7th- morning
Where: The farm's stables
What: Marlo finds other ways to be useful
Status: Ongoing
Rating: PG so far!

The animals needed fed and tended every day, not just ones that were nice. )
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Week One -- Monday -- September 2nd

Who: Seajay, Filly and Orion
When: The morning of Monday, September 2nd
Where: The most north-eastern tip of Sardis lake, a mile or so in from Hwy. 271
What: Their first morning near Clayton
Status: Open and in progress
Rating: Probably G or PG

As usual, Seajay awoke before both of his companions. The fire was barely smoking, and as he rolled over on his side he could see the tiniest orange glow inside the ashes. The day was bound to be another warm one, maybe even humid from the little bit of rain they’d had to walk through the evening before. He’d had a more restful night than usual, no nightmares, only darkness. Yet, the darkness behind his eyes sometimes felt more frightening than the Technicolor images in his nightmares, at least in his nightmares there were other people.

He slipped out of his sleeping bag and stretched in the cool morning air. He wondered what this next town would be like. He was always nervous when they went somewhere new, but he was equally as nervous if they got too comfortable somewhere. He always felt the need to move, as there was simply nowhere that he felt safe. His family’s picture had been broadcast to the entire world, and although it had been years he still worried that someone would know him.

In only his pajama pants he slunk over to the fire, his bare feet making little brown clouds in the soft dirt around the fire. They’d camped in the forest, a ways back from the lake so that they wouldn’t get the chill off the water at night. The morning was beautiful though and the sun was shining. He stoked the fire and got a small flame going to boil some water. Their water supply was getting low, but luckily they’d had no shortage of streams or lakes to tap into. He knelt in the dirt, watching the flames grow. He could hear the soft breathing of Filly and Orion and the quiet whinny of Care Bear as he grazed nearby.

In that moment realized how odd it was that he hadn’t found Star at his side when he woke up. He turned to look behind him just as she pressed her wet nose to his elbow and gave him a start that caused him to burn his finger on the pot and send the whole of their water supply into the flames. The fire hissed and smoked terribly as he fell back to shake his pained finger.

“Jesus Star,” He was about to curse her more when he realized that she was just standing there with a large rabbit in her mouth and wagging her tail.

“Hey everyone, Star brought us breakfast…” He couldn't help but laugh and shake his head even though his finger was throbbing.
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Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Who: Shepherd and Open
When: Monday, Sept. 2nd
Where: A house on Pine St.
What: Shepherd doing his part around town
Rating: TBD

Roofing wasn't exactly Shepherd's specialty but you did what needed to be done at times. Junk and the others were busy with other things and the roof of the Daycare had a leak so he had grabbed a ladder and some shingles and climbed up on the roof.

It was times like this Shepherd remembered he didn't really like hights all that much. He should have found Squirrel and had her come up and do this or at least come with him. Fear was nothing that big to deal with and He liked to think he faith would prevail.

Dressed down in just a pair of jeans and a white Tshirt Shepherd didn't look much the Spiritual leader, or even the prophet some thought him to be. If you asked him he was just a man doing what God had intended. He helped those that were in need and he tried to be the best man he could be, that included climbing up on roofs and banging away at them with hammers.
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Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Week One

Week One
September 1st 2024

High Temp: 91F
Low Temp: 73F
Average Temp: 80.6F
Dewpoint: 71.4FWind Speed: 6.1 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0.15 In

September 2nd
High Temp: 93.2F
Low Temp: 73.4F
Average Temp: 79.9F
Dewpoint: 71.1F
Wind Speed: 5.9 Knots

September 3rd

High Temp: 86F
Low Temp: 63F
Average Temp: 73.9F
Dewpoint: 58.1F
Wind Speed: 10.7 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0.08
Observations: Rain/Drizzle, Thunder

September 4th

High Temp: 88F
Low Temp: 48F
Average Temp: 67.2
Dewpoint: 45.3F
Wind Speed: 2.3 Knots

September 5th

High Temp: 
Low Temp: 
Average Temp: 
Wind Speed: 
3.8 Knots

September 6th

High Temp: 93.2F
Low Temp: 71.6F
Average Temp: 81.7F
Dewpoint: 58F
Wind Speed: 9.6 Knots

September 7th

High Temp: 87.8F
Low Temp: 73.4F
Average Temp: 78.2F
Dewpoint: 70F
Wind Speed: 5.5 Knots
Observations: Rain/Drizzle

The week has bought rain and thunderstorms to Clayton, but the temperature has remained reasonably warm disturbed only slightly by the wind. The storms have slowed down new building works, but were not fierce enough to cause any issues with the crops. The top has been removed from Clayton's watertower to allow the rain to collect for future use.

No birthdays or major events this week
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